Display Arc Goh Zhenwei from Malaysia [4 posts] |
13 year
I'm new here. Is there anyway to draw arc in Roborealm? What i know is that it can draw circle, line but not arc. Is there any module that can do that?
Anonymous |
13 year
There is now. If you download 2.42.6 the circle module now has a degree start and stop that can be used to draw arcs.
Goh Zhenwei from Malaysia [4 posts] |
13 year
Thanks for the reply.
I will try and download the new version.
BTW, is there any way for me to parse a file with coordinate and ask roborealm to display the geometry (arc,circle,line) that i wanted.
Eg: i wanted to parse ASCII DXF file (autocad file) so that roborealm can draw the image that i wanted. Of course, i only need 3 kinds of geometry, mainly line,arc and circle. Other type of geometry like polyline is omitted.
Does the Cscript has any feature like C++ that let me call file input/output function,extract the information that i needed and then ask roborealm the display the geometry?
Anonymous |
13 year
While this might be possible there are better ways of converting a DXF to bitmap. Have you looked at other converters for this kind of file? RR is good at working with images but there are better libraries for graphic primitives that you may find at
that may be better suited for the task.
Goh Zhenwei from Malaysia [4 posts] |
13 year
I had try to convert DXF to TIFF/BMP/JPG using Any DWG to Image converter pro.
The question now is how can i overlay the image (my converted DXF drawing) to the image acquired from Webcam?
Is there anyway to use a large size image overlay (6400 pixel x 4800 pixel) to a small webcam sample (640x480) and then move it around by translating?
Anonymous |
13 year
Yes, you can. Attached is a script that will load in an image (you will have to change module #1 to load in your image) and then display the camera image (you will also have to change the display image module to point to your camera). You can then change the display image x and y locations to move the webcam image over your loaded image. Note that this uses a blended mode ... if you don't want that then remove the Math module which does the blend.
STeven. program.robo