Janko Kiric from Slovenia  [5 posts]
12 year
I have a very specific project. In the inner groove of the product I want to control the small metal particles in the groove using a 360 deg. lens.
Where rr module can use for this?
For good or bad product I want a digital output signal to Vellman card.


Anonymous 12 year

Do you mean that you want to detect that the part is present in the groove? I'm looking at the last 2 image and see the particle that seems to be in error. Is that what should be detected?


Janko Kiric from Slovenia  [5 posts] 12 year
Hi STeven,

Yes, this is the parts present in the groove.
I want to control the presence of small particles in the groove.
On Vellman K8055 card would need a digital output if the camera detects a fraction of the groove. The text file I would like to record the time and date of the event with a picture of controlled bad parts.

Janko Kiric from Slovenia  [5 posts] 11 year
Hi STeven
Better results detection of particles present in the groove I have, if I use rotating base controls with camera build in the middle of rotating products.
Use Crop module and Harris Corner module.This detections working good.
I would like controll the outside groove with second camera at the same time. It is possible?
Can I simultaneously use two different cameras on the same video card to use Harris Corners module on each camera ?
Anonymous 11 year

If you can plug both cameras into the video card at the same time then, yes, you can switch between the two. You can either configuration one in the Options button and then use the Camera_Properties menu to switch to the next or use 2 Camera_Properties module in order to get both images.

You will have to check how your digitizer card works with two connected cameras. Sometimes this appears as 2 camera sources, sometimes you need a custom DirectX call to switch between the two. It really depends on your hardware.

Regardless, if the right hardware is available RR can handle several images at a time. The Marker module is often used to save the current image to memory and load in a new webcam image. The saved image can then be accessed by other modules or brought back into the main RR window using another marker module.

Seems that using Harris to detect the defect works as well as anything that we have ... we hope to release another module that might help in some situations of differing gradients but I'd stick with Harris for now.

Janko Kiric from Slovenia  [5 posts] 11 year
Hi STeven,

I tried using two cameras, but the process is slower
and less transparent. I am currently focused on the inner groove and use the ring corner to which the system works very well. Perception is almost 100% and fast.
I would like to record an image by adding text (date and time of event, serial number image), whenever the camera detects metal particles in the groove. Since I have no experience with programming please for further assistance.
Anonymous 11 year

Have a look at the display_* modules. For example, use the Display_DateTime to write the date and time or use the Display_Text to just show text onto the image.



There are various others for drawing lines, circles, etc.

Where would the serial number come from? Would that be set via the API? Or is that read in from the image itself?

Janko Kiric from Slovenia  [5 posts] 11 year
Hi STeven

Thanks to your quick response.
Serial number of images to be read from the image itself.


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