Split input as diffrent sources
seesoe  [8 posts]
14 year
Hello, I have a camera feed that displays 4 cameras into one picture

I was wonder if it is possible to output a cropped section of that source as another camera feed my computer can detect (to be used in another program)?

Thank you
Anonymous 14 year

Yes, have a look at the Crop module


and then install the VCam (Virtual Camera) which will create a webcam feed from the processed results of RoboRealm. That should allow you to feed that one part of the image as a single webcam image.


Anonymous 14 year
thank you, that is perfect! one issue though, does it work on 64bit? i can't get it to work..
Anonymous 14 year
Nope, not yet. We are working on that but it will take a bit to get it to work. What OS are you using? Win7?

seesoe  [8 posts] 14 year
ok thank you, no vista.

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