Sander from Estonia  [3 posts]
15 year
I´m new at this. Is there any way to let roborealm press keys?
I m using the 2nd example on this page ( http://www.roborealm.com/forum/index.php?thread_id=381#3 )
To follow the line.
If it has to use the left engine, it will press keyboard key "L"
Right engine will press key "R".
Is it impossible?

Thanks for reading.
Anonymous 15 year
Hi Sander,

   See http://www.roborealm.com/help/Keyboard_Send.php to send keyboard commands
Sander from Estonia  [3 posts] 15 year
Ok. Thanks for that!
Now i know how keyboard_send works. But how can i get it to use the left and right motor?
Sander from Estonia  [3 posts] 15 year
What i meant was how do read the line and but it to send the keys.
Anonymous 15 year

How are you controlling your robot? Are you using some external application that needs keystrokes in order to move the robot? If so then Keyboard_Send should do the job. If it is another robot that we have a module for then you would use a VBScript module to set certain variables that would be the motor values that are then sent to the robot.

Perhaps if you give us a better idea of what you are trying to do with what hardware we can better help.


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