44 posts
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VBScript [4]
I think that the VBScript (or C or Phyton) code inside RR mosules works exactly in this way. Anywhere you put it in the pipeline...
12 year 4 2273
Roborealm and hexapod [17]
Another question: what's the meaning of having one interneal and one external variables for each command and state? thanks!...
12 year 71 6032
Roborealm and hexapod [33]
I'm also looking at the point location plugin and to your last example you posted.... we just started studying, for today we wi...
12 year 71 6032
Roborealm and hexapod [52]
PS: I posted photos, but in reality we take the input video stream for a webcam, so the light will change ;) just to be clear. <...
12 year 71 6032
Roborealm and hexapod
the blob filter modules are to get an array with the X and Y coords of every blob to compare them for our conditions....
12 year 71 6032
Roborealm and hexapod [71]
Here is the link to the page where you can download both the robo and the vbs files. Both are in 2 ...
12 year 71 6032
Roborealm and hexapod [4]
Well, first of all thanks for the replay ^^ I am using a p.Brain SMB (MSR-H01 HexEngine, Micromagic...
12 year 71 6032
Roborealm and hexapod [32]
(sorry for the bad typing, I hope it will be clear anyway :P)...
12 year 71 6032
Roborealm and hexapod [51]
Thanks Steven, we solved using a variable as written above :) but I will for sure write if I have more problems about it.
12 year 71 6032
Roborealm and hexapod [62]
big problem: with the color filters we used, I have a red shadow on the green cube and viceversa and I'm stuck trying to filter...
12 year 71 6032
Roborealm and hexapod [70]
Thanks James :) AT the end we only made him order the red blocks, instead that also go to the other side to order ...
12 year 71 6032
Roborealm and hexapod [2]
Hi, I am trying to run this tutorial: ...
12 year 71 6032
Roborealm and hexapod [16]
PS: we would like to publish the final work (that we expect finished for the end of July at least) in a blog of our project. Do ...
12 year 71 6032
Roborealm and hexapod [31]
Grats James, I tghink that it's being very full of satisfaction to make your AI programming become visible on the robot and I t...
12 year 71 6032
Roborealm and hexapod [47]
oh, and we set the intensity and contrast fuctions as you said, James: tomorrow with the daylight we will see if I set them prop...
12 year 71 6032
Roborealm and hexapod [61]
of course, I will send videos ^___^...
12 year 71 6032
Roborealm and hexapod [68]
Ok, our project is going to an end :) Today we presented it for the exam and it was uccessful ^^
12 year 71 6032
Roborealm and hexapod [15]
James, that's awsome! the function is working (the robot moves :) Let me see if I understood all c...
12 year 71 6032
Roborealm and hexapod [28]
And, in the meanwhile, James your project is really interesting: at what point are you, what did you arleady implemented while y...
12 year 71 6032
Roborealm and hexapod [46]
OK we caught it :) we were only checking the variable in a wrong place ;) I think that in few days ...
12 year 71 6032

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