87 posts
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Lock-in style image processing
Hi, I am trying to do lock-in style image processing so to overcome variations in the background li...
17 year 4 2965
Lock-in style image processing [3]
Steven, I have managed to implement the lock-in technique. I am modulating an LED array through the...
17 year 4 2965
Stereoscopic webcam vision [3]
Also, here's the file for basic stereoscopic webcam vision...
17 year 9 14521
Stereoscopic webcam vision [2]
Here is a basic but effective form of stere-webcams. It uses 2 markers, one for each camera. After appropriate filtering, the ce...
17 year 9 14521
Blob selection with mouse
Hi, I would like to track a blob on the screen. But I would like to choose which of the blobs to tr...
17 year 4 3078
Blob selection with mouse [3]
That sounds exactly like what I was trying to do. I havent's checked it out yet, but it sounds great.
17 year 4 3078
Timer values
I would like to know the time between the two event's (e.g. mouse clicks). Is there a feature like 'Timer' available from whe...
17 year 2 3264

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