50 posts
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OCR database creation [6]
STeven, thanks for the hint on database storage, you are correct, there it is.
10 year 9 3478
OCR database creation [5]
STeven, I have added an example since this may be nice for demonstration. This is digit recognition...
10 year 9 3478
OCR database creation [9]
STeven, sorry, this was my fault, and has nothing to do with word separation. What actually happene...
10 year 9 3478
OCR database creation [3]
STeven, thanks for your reply, which explained some things to me (such as the concept of not breaki...
10 year 9 3478
OCR database creation
STeven, I am not sure that I have understood the concept of OCR database creation and modification ...
10 year 9 3478
OCR database creation [7]
STeven, works with the shape matching module when manually extracting the single digits for trainin...
10 year 9 3478
Bug in Python 2.x Module [7]
Now it works properly, great, thanks! Thomas...
10 year 7 2248
Bug in Python 2.x Module
STeven, if you run the above script, open the Python module and try to pull down the slider on the ...
10 year 7 2248
Bug in Python 2.x Module [5]
STeven, sorry, no confirmation here, bug still exists in the above program and is reproducible.
10 year 7 2248
Sleep/Pause/Wait [3]
STeven, Sorry, but your program does not freeze anything here. And yes, I checked the value of the ...
10 year 5 3087
Is there a way to freeze an image for a few seconds? In case that I have found a result, I'd like t...
10 year 5 3087
Is there a way to merge RoboRealm scripts?
STeven, Have found nothing in the FAQ, in those parts of the docu where I looked and on search resu...
10 year 5 1865
Sleep/Pause/Wait [5]
STeven, OK, took me a moment to understand he concept but I got it. Thanks!
10 year 5 3087
Is there a way to merge RoboRealm scripts? [5]
Seems to work now, and after line insertion seems to make more sense. Thanks!
10 year 5 1865
Bug in Python 2.x script implementation? [3]
STeven, I see your point. Though I use Python heavily, I did not try to use my own editor, but work...
10 year 4 1801
Bug in Python 2.x script implementation?
Hi Steve, not sure whether this is a bug or a feature, example attached: If you print a very long s...
10 year 4 1801
Repeaded double click on module does not open window
STeven, (I have tested this with our 3 line program.robo from the OCR thread, but should work with ...
10 year 3 1889
Shape match: Inclusion of Samples
Follow up: An inclusion of training samples into the RoboRealm Source code (as you can do it for im...
10 year 3 2606
CTRL C CTRL V bug [3]
STeven, tried to reproduce this today and it did not work. I will observe, issue closed from my sid...
10 year 3 1934
Python in camera mode
STeven, the attached program works with multiple images from file. If ...
10 year 3 3189

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