Send weight value to my PLC
Marcius Xavier from Brazil  [5 posts]
11 year
Hi RR!

I can identify my object with blob, using weight (image).
But now I need to send weight value to my PLC.
Please, how can I do it?



Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 11 year

That will depend on your PLC and how you can communicate to it. There are many ways:







Parallel Port


Note that most of these (besides OSC) do NOT assume a particular data format ... that would be the next thing to check on your PLC. Sorry, there is no "Send to PLC" module since there is no standard (besides OSC) that most PLCs use.

There are still others that only accept TTL signals. In that case, you may need an MCU between the PC and the PLC. We have quite a few modules that communicate to TTL capable devices. IF you need anything like that have a look through our documentation at


Marcius Xavier from Brazil  [5 posts] 11 year
Ok STeven,

Thanks about your attentio.

The COG_WEIGHT don't appear in Available variables.

I don't know why, the Blob Filter show the value of Weight
when is running but not became available in intention to send...

Please, can you help me?


Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 11 year

It doesn't appear since it isn't set. The parameters that you are using to 'stop tracking' will cause the variables to disappear when they are not tracking anything.

Keep in mind that Blob_Filter does NOT generate these variables, you are talking about the COG or Center_Of_Gravity module.

Perhaps if you include your robofile we can better help.

Marcius Xavier from Brazil  [5 posts] 11 year
Hi STeven,

Thanks about your answer.

It´s the first time that I use a software like RoboRealm.

I study sugar cane.
And I need to detect the structure highlighted by previous photos.
The program can distinguish the presence of the structure
from adjustments.
And I am with great anticipation.
In preliminary tests realized it is possible to determine the presence of the cane across limits for the COG.
For example COG between 0.5 and 0.7 means that the detected part of the cane.
Now I need to somehow export the COG from my computer to the PLC, which will make this logic and take action on a machine when COG is between 0.5 and 0.7.

I am sending for you, my robofile.

Thank you for your patience and information.


Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 11 year

If you click the save button and type in a name like my_file.robo it will save the pipeline configuration in my_file.robo (just use the .robo extension) and post that file. That's much easier than looking at screenshots.

You've not yet mentioned what your PLC device is? You need to check on it and tell us what it supports, i.e. Serial, Parallel Port, Ethernet, etc. See the response to your first message. There are 1000's of PLC devices.

Marcius Xavier from Brazil  [5 posts] 11 year
Hi STeave,

One time more thanks about your attention.
I hope that the my_file.robo attached help.
About the PLC you are rigth and I am looking for the best model here.
Just now I have a Siemens LOGO 230RC (Images PLC 1 and PLC 2)
And my notebook no have serial connection (Image Notebook).
I accept suggestions, if you could give it.

Marcius Xavier


Marcius Xavier from Brazil  [5 posts] 11 year
Hi STeave!
Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 11 year

I'd recommend getting someone more hardware oriented to help you out. If you are not aware of USB to serial converters (that all modern day computers have to use to communicate via serial) then you will need some additional advise in deciding which PLC to purchase and how to connect to it. The USB to serial converter is a very basic first step in that direction that most familiar with this line of purchasing don't even consider since its so common place.

We can only do so much over email and don't recommend PLC devices since we are very uninformed about the nature of your project ... again, I'd recommend speaking with someone more local that understands your project better and which hardware device will suit your needs.


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