214 posts
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Matching omnidirectional images
Hello, I am trying to determine the relative position of a robot that uses an omnidirectional imagi...
15 year 0 2459
Any experience with Bumblebee2 stereo camera? [2]
Does anyone out there have any experience with the Bumblebee2 stereo camera from Point Grey Research? (http://www.ptgrey.com/pro...
14 year 1 2419
Thanks for the Align Histogram module! [2]
Hey STeven, Congrats on releasing the new Align_Histogram module--and thanks!  This is go...
15 year 1 3652
Advice needed for analyzing 360-degree images [2]
Hello, I have set up a 360-degree vision system on my robot and would like to use it to aid indoor ...
16 year 1 2216
Project. [2]
Hi Major, If you haven't already done so, check out the Tutorials section on this site.  ...
14 year 1 2665
Visually Guided Reaching and Grasping [2]
Hello, I thought some of you might be interested in a recent video I made of my robot tracking two ...
14 year 1 1907
Bug in Optical Flow Module or my reasoning? [2]
Hi STeven et. al., I'm coming back to the issue of using the Eliminate Global Flow checkbox in the...
14 year 1 1841
saving optical flow result [3]
I think what you are looking for is the Write_AVI module under Loading/Saving.  Also, be sure to select a Quality othe...
15 year 2 2067
RR/Rovio [3]
Hey Jason, From my own experience, RoboRealm works very nicely with Rovio.  If you haven\...
15 year 2 2317
SRV-1 camera board frame rates? [2]
Hi STeven, I was considering  the SRV-1 camera board as an alternative to a USB webcam to...
16 year 3 2378
A question about the LAB_Channel module [4]
Thanks STeven--that's exactly what I needed.  As for the ANN stuff, for the moment I am just using a Perceptron with ...
14 year 3 3527
Omnivision and Visual Odometry [2]
Hi STeven et. al., I was wondering if you guys are still finalizing the forthcoming Visual Odometry...
15 year 3 3172
WDM Image Capture? [2]
Hi STeven et. al., I was trying the "Microsoft WDM Image Capture" option under Camera selection.&...
15 year 3 2906
Geometric Statistics problem with Crop Module [4]
Hi STeven, Many thanks for checking into this.  I upgraded to and I can no longer...
15 year 3 3585
GetImage function in RR_COM_API.dll broken? [2]
Hi STeven, I am having trouble getting the GetImage function to work properly in RR version 2.2.9.&...
15 year 3 2540
A question about the LAB_Channel module [2]
Hello, I need to use the L, a and b values from the LAB_Channel module as inputs to an artificial n...
14 year 3 3527
Visual Anchor with one or two static images? [2]
Hello, I was wondering if there is a way to use the Visual Anchor module to compare a static image ...
16 year 3 2257
Small "fix" for Python API [4]
Cool--I'm honored! --patrick ...
14 year 3 2299
Matching omnidirectional images [4]
Hi STeven, Cool!  I never would have thought of using the Radial Distortion module. ...
15 year 3 3217
Connecting RoboRealm to a D-LINK 920 wireless webcam [4]
Thank you STeven!  The update works perfectly with the 920--a nice smooth 20 frames per second at 320x240 even in dim ...
15 year 3 5398

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