WDM Image Capture?
from United States  [214 posts]
15 year
Hi STeven et. al.,

I was trying the "Microsoft WDM Image Capture" option under Camera selection.  (I need this for a camera that connects by way of a A/V-USB adapter.)  My attached cameras all show up under the Video Source list, and I can select any one of them.  However, when I make a selection and click Apply/OK, the FPS status indicates that frames are being received, but the image remains black.  If I then go back to the Camera selection and select the same camera under its own name instead of view WDM, I see the image fine.

I'm guessing this means that something is wrong with my PC's video setup but I have the latest DirectX installed as well as the latest driver for my video card.  I'm running Windows XP and RoboRealm


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