1530 posts
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x, y coordinates for object recognition [2]
Read the documentation at ...
10 year 2 1955
Write Image Files [2]
Romulo, The simplest way to do this is to surround the Write_Images module using an If_Statement mo...
7 year 2 1960
String or variable concatenation [2]
Thomas, Its now possible to use ["hello"+"world"]
9 year 2 1960
how to solve the problem of lighting and visibility when there is a change of li [2]
Faris, The less you tell us the less we can do. You will need to include a LOT more information abo...
7 year 2 1961
Setup OpenCV with Windows DLL [2]
Andrei, That will depend on the compiler that you are using. In visual studio, simply dragging the ...
10 year 2 1961
.robo file it loads tabs but doesn't load their contents [2]
If you haven't already, download the latest and that should be solved. STeven. ...
9 year 3 1963
EZB_Variables broken [4]
Darathian, If it does, check that you can connect to the EZB builder application using some other a...
10 year 7 1963
EZB_Variables broken [2]
Just confirmed with 2.67.7 that it seems ok. Variables are moving back and forth as expected. What ...
10 year 7 1963
EZB_Variables broken [6]
Darathian, Thanks, it seems the connection failure was not being detected correctly. This has been ...
10 year 7 1963
FRC lisense not allowing access to download update [3]
Michael, Its possible that one of you other team members may have reregistered under that coupon an...
12 year 2 1965
Request to increase VCam limit to 8 [2]
Extending this feature is not on our short term roadmap.  Windows 10 has the VCam feature built in, so that may help.&...
6 year 2 1975
FIRST FRC 2013 "Visual Targeting" Tutorial adapted for Kinect [3]
Most likely what is happening is that nothing within the Kinect's view is being understood as a rectangle which would remove th...
12 year 2 1977
ini file [4]
Pete, I think the confusion is that an ini file doesn't exist ... ie. we don't provide an example...
10 year 4 1979
ini file [2]
Pete, If you have a look at ...
10 year 4 1979
versions [2]
The latest version has VERSION and ROBO_PATH, ROBO_FILENAME and ROBO_LABEL variables added. STeven....
9 year 3 1980
Distributor_Client not syncing joystick values [2]
John, Thanks for the video. The issue was that values from one of the variables was being partially...
10 year 2 1982
Rectangular data matrix barcodes [2]
Added to the most recent version. STeven....
8 year 2 1985
Shape finding [4]
There are modules that will do that ... or as mentioned above, you can just check the size of one of the resulting arrays (they ...
8 year 4 1987
Change in behavior of Marker [2]
Rud, The behavior was more undefined than a bug. For that capability, I'd recommend using the Resi...
11 year 2 1988
getVariables error [4]
Padraig, The assumption you are making are that the values are integers. RoboRealm variables are lo...
10 year 4 1991

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