1530 posts
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Camera Support [2]
1) We don't see any stated reason it will not work ... but it does not mention having a DirectX interface (i.e. Windows Drivers)...
7 year 6 1786
Python in separate editor [2]
Thomas, I may have misspoken, the idea was to use an external editor to modify just the file that R...
9 year 2 1786
CTRL C CTRL V bug [2]
Thomas, Can you confirm what version you a using and if you are copying to another tab or another i...
9 year 3 1786
Camera Support [4]
Its tough to know without spending several hours deciphering the code to see if it will work. If you are willing to pay for that...
7 year 6 1786
x, y coordinates for object recognition [2]
Read the documentation at ...
10 year 2 1789
RoboRealm and video stream [6]
The two local to us that come to mind are Artemis Vision 781 Vallejo St.
7 year 7 1789
RoboRealm and video stream [4]
FRederick, this is probably the best forum to use for that sort of thing. If you are looking for co...
7 year 7 1789
RoboRealm and video stream [2]
Frederick, In theory, yes, it will work. But you will not know for sure until you actually get one ...
7 year 7 1789
Speak Listbox Index [3]
Ulli, This has just been fixed. It was caused by an automatic sorting of the names as they were ent...
11 year 2 1791
Switching between Multiple Cameras using Marker Module [2]
e-JMO, No, that seems about right. I've included what you have above and it appears to be working ...
10 year 2 1793
Image processing with roborealm [2]
Romulo, The solution would depend on how the drill bit can be imaged. For example, is it always ass...
7 year 2 1798
.robo file it loads tabs but doesn't load their contents [2]
If you haven't already, download the latest and that should be solved. STeven. ...
8 year 3 1800
Variable control for sobel edge detection [3]
Dawson, You can probably use the normalization module after the low setting sobel to get the values...
11 year 2 1800
What robots did you start out using? [2]
Nancy, Typically its recommended that most folks start out with a kit as that helps you avoid the c...
11 year 2 1801
VB Script Module [2]
Untested and unsure if this is what you need but this might get you a bit further. Just add a VBScript module, stick the followi...
5 year 3 1802
Blob_Filter Get/Set Parameters [3]
There are two primary ways to do this. The first is to use expressions within those fields. For example, type in [obj_count] int...
11 year 2 1805
Blob_Filter > RightOf/LeftOf [7]
Antoine, That still doesn't look like the original image or you are getting a very thresholded ima...
11 year 7 1806
Blob_Filter > RightOf/LeftOf [5]
Antoine, I'm assume that the red dot is something that you are drawing?
11 year 7 1806
Blob_Filter > RightOf/LeftOf [3]
Antoine, Its easier if you post the image and robofile that you are using so that we can better und...
11 year 7 1806
distance [5]
You almost have it, using the CInt you can use a = Cint((sqrt((x*x)+(y*y)))/100) / 10
11 year 4 1807

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