1531 posts
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Fanuc robot [2]
Hi, No, there isn't any way to our knowledge of how to connect to a Fanuc robot. We are looking for...
9 year 4 2083
RoboClaw v4+ [2]
In case others read this ... a new revision of the RoboClaw IonMC module is up with temperature and motor current variables adde...
8 year 2 2086
Wood defects detection [2]
Krzysztof, We've not done a project like that before so you would have to find someone to help you ...
5 year 2 2088
Powe Down [2]
Steven, I assume you mean that the working file that it occasionally saves during execution gets co...
6 year 2 2096
VB Script Module [2]
Untested and unsure if this is what you need but this might get you a bit further. Just add a VBScript module, stick the followi...
6 year 3 2100
Socket Comminications [2]
Pete, We've updated the Socket Plugin module and uploaded it to the site. It should allow you to s...
10 year 3 2106
Lego EV3 + Roborealm = Amazing [2]
Huno, Very cool project! Thanks for shared. We added this to ...
8 year 2 2109
Load Module [2]
If you are saving the image from RR, why do you want to reload it back into the same application that just saved it? If you plan...
8 year 2 2112
See Variable in View_Variables not correct in VB [4]
John, You are correct in how you are using those. The VBScript display variables is not as sophisti...
11 year 3 2114
I have a problem using color correction function [2]
Joy, Thanks for bringing that to our attention. The Edit button was not modifying the correct color...
4 year 2 2116
more documentation of DLL interface [2]
Arsham, Are you sure you want to develop a DLL plugin? That's very rare. Most actually use the API ...
6 year 4 2122
Detecting Peaks from Kinect Depth Map [5]
Oh, and you will have to download the latest version for this robofile to work. STeven....
10 year 6 2122
Detecting Peaks from Kinect Depth Map [4]
Max, There is a module that does 'peak detection' probably better suited to what you are doing than...
10 year 6 2122
Detecting Peaks from Kinect Depth Map [2]
Max, Yes, the Kinect is good for this type of analysis. We've worked with Potatoes in the past in t...
10 year 6 2122
only save images when commanded over network? [2]
Doug, This is possible to do. You can surround the Write_Images with an If Statement module and set...
8 year 3 2123
MicroUSB U451 board [4]
Tom, Looks like that board was newer since the module was created. It was checking for the previous...
8 year 5 2123
Track 5 Bots [2]
Remo, There are a couple ways to identify objects based on color. Have a look at the second techniq...
8 year 2 2125
Automatic Start Up [2]
What OS are you testing on? It sounds like the full screen might just be covering the current inter...
8 year 4 2126
Automatic Start Up [4]
Sandy, I think we have a good idea on what the symptoms are. It sounds like the full screen mode is...
8 year 4 2126
application demo for RoboRealm DLL library [2]
First link on http://www.roborealm...
9 year 2 2128

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