Blob_Filter > RightOf/LeftOf
Antoine from France  [4 posts]
12 year
Hi everyone !
First of all, i'm french so sorry for my english !

Then, in my program (.robo), i just want to keep the thing at the right or the left of my point (for example: the COG). I don't manage to do it !
I just know the option "RightOfX" but it is not enought.

How can I do that please ?

Thanks !

Carl from Your Country  [1447 posts] 12 year

Its easier if you post the image and robofile that you are using so that we can better understand the difficulties that you are facing.

Antoine from France  [4 posts] 12 year
Okay sorry for not being understandable.

So, i have this image and this point. I just want to clear the white blobs at the right (or the left) of my point, which moves (that is why i can't use the fonction Blob_Filter>RightOfX).

Thanks STeven !

Carl from Your Country  [1447 posts] 12 year

I'm assume that the red dot is something that you are drawing?

Can you include the original (unprocessed) image so that we can take advantage of qualities of the dot that the other parts do not have?

For example, we can easily filter for red in the image you posted ... but that would not work since I think you painted that red dot. Its important that we work with the actual unannotated image for this to work.

Antoine from France  [4 posts] 12 year
Okay sorry again...

There is the real picture: [picinlay.jpg]. I uploaded the program too: "centrage.robo".
What I want to do is: use the orange point as a reference. For example i will need to clear all the blobs which are at the right of this point. Then i will need to clear the blobs at the left. And i don't know how to do that.

I have another question : can I change the properties of my camera during the program ? I mean, at the beginning of my program, i need a high brightness (to find the COG of my inlay --> the orange point). Then i need a low brightness.
Can I do that ?
Here is an exemple of what I want: " changeproperties.robo". I can modify the properties thanks to the module Camera_Properties, but we can see that in my mosaic, even if the two markers have different properties, the image is the same.

Thanks a lot STeven for your patience


Carl from Your Country  [1447 posts] 12 year

That still doesn't look like the original image or you are getting a very thresholded image from your camera. Either way, see the attached robofile. It just uses the blob filter to remove those objects along the center of the image.

I'm sure this is probably not what you want. If you can include the original (unprocessed image) and a manually changed image to what end result you want we can help further.

Unfortunately, most cameras cannot change their brightness value as quickly as you would like. You either have to use two cameras or just work with one image form the camera. Alternatively, you can purchase a camera that can change that property very quickly but that will be very expensive.


Antoine from France  [4 posts] 12 year
Thanks a lot STeven !

Unfortunately, i am not allowed to post the original picture, which is a confidential one.
I am still looking for a module (for many programs) close to "RightOfX" . But instead of choosing a value of "X", i want to choose a variable like "COG_X". If it not possible, it is not a big deal.

"Unfortunately, most cameras cannot change their brightness value as quickly as you would like"
I have like 2 second to get my values each time. Can't I put 1 second with default properties and then 1 second with other properties ?


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