1530 posts
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Mach3 [8]
Line 3 would just be printing out the value ... I'm not sure what you wanted to do with the value so that would be up to you to...
9 year 17 3545
Beginners Intro to RoboRealm? [5]
Christian, It is recommended not to plug the Axis into the CRio since you should have an onboard ro...
11 year 17 4090
Beginners Intro to RoboRealm? [11]
Christian, That's what I described above. If you are driving using tank drive using a joystick, th...
11 year 17 4090
Basler Camera II [2]
Pete, Two possibilities here: 1. From what you describe, we had simi...
9 year 17 4923
RoboRealm Propeller MCU Examples / Help Needed [13]
Steve, So the mailbox 3 issue is caused by the existing example code in the Communicator SPIN file....
10 year 17 3445
Mach3 [6]
Mach3 seems to have a comprehensive scripting support so it should be possible to create such a communication. I would refocus b...
9 year 17 3545
Beginners Intro to RoboRealm? [15]
Yup, that should do it. Keep in mind that the scale is a bit different with regards to that. You need to decide what the min and...
11 year 17 4090
RoboRealm Propeller MCU Examples / Help Needed [6]
Steve, Sounds good. Just to give you another option that you might be more familiar with, you menti...
10 year 17 3445
RoboRealm Propeller MCU Examples / Help Needed [11]
Steve, Can you zip up your SPIN file and post it here? Zip should be able to get through. We have a...
10 year 17 3445
Basler Camera II [15]
Pete, The configuration is being received because your system probably allows inbound traffic over ...
9 year 17 4923
SetImage [9]
GetImage will request a jpeg image in superb (highest) quality which will not compress the image as much as you'd like. This was...
8 year 17 2669
Random break time in the pipeline [7]
See if you understand the attached. Note the use of the "Latch" in the object found if statement. This ensures that the contents...
7 year 16 2766
motor speed or tracking speed. [6]
What driver board are you using? Also, are you sure you untoggled the camera button when you set th...
11 year 15 3166
Socket Server [11]
Wongfeirang, Thanks for the screenshots. That helped direct us to the appropriate area. I had thoug...
8 year 15 3363
WaitVariable - how to use it [12]
Kresimir, It should be all done in a single pass unless there is a tracking option enabled.
8 year 15 7364
motor speed or tracking speed. [4]
Do you see the FPS number increase as seen in the lower status line in the main RR GUI? There is no...
11 year 15 3166
Output from RR [6]
Francesco, If you have #1 working then you can type in the coordinates that the mouse should be at ...
11 year 15 2408
WaitVariable - how to use it [14]
Would you be able to post the robofile, template image (the image you are search for) and test image (the image you are searchin...
8 year 15 7364
Barcode decode anomaly [15]
Pete, Thanks for the test. The Genicam module was not paying attention to variables changing. This ...
9 year 15 3471
Socket Server [8]
We're having problems replicating your issue. If you try the following python script on another machine do you see the same beha...
8 year 15 3363

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