motor speed or tracking speed.
sam from Egypt  [11 posts]
11 year

Dear STeven,

Many thanks for your earlier help i have one more thing here, i did success to make stepper motor run throw stepper driver and parallel board , but its so slow when it moves or track, my question is :
How can i make the motor run faster or track faster ?

Thanks again


Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 11 year
You can try to increase the frequency that you signal the driver ... i.e. how quickly you change the pin values. As RR is based on processing images that is typically limited to 30 fps. To increase the processing rate try to NOT be capturing any video (cause that limits it to 30 fps) and increase the minimum fps in Options button->Other tab->Min Processing FPS. If you set that to something like 100 that should increase the speed of your stepper motor.

sam from Egypt  [11 posts] 11 year
Hi STeven

Thanks for your time , I tried it it did not work , is there any thing i can do with the VB script that will incress the frequency ? is there any opting in the program itself to incress the freq. ??

Thanks alot

Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 11 year
Do you see the FPS number increase as seen in the lower status line in the main RR GUI?

There is no other way to increase the frequency. The only other option you have is to purchase a stepper motor board which is what most people do today. Having a parallel port is very rare on any computer these days. There are many stepper motor drivers which will provide you a much easier interface.

sam from Egypt  [11 posts] 11 year

Hi STeven

Thanks again , the FBS is 30 this is the max it goes , and i did change the min. FBS at the option win. to 100. but nothing changes.
and regarding the stepper motos i do run it throw the diriver concted th board .

Thanks for your help

Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 11 year
What driver board are you using?

Also, are you sure you untoggled the camera button when you set the fps to 100?

Anonymous 11 year
Hi STeven

This is the pic. For the breakout board and the stepper driver iam using .

Thank alot.


Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 11 year
Seems that you do need to increase the pulse frequency. Can you answer my previous question concerning the FPS?

sam from Egypt  [11 posts] 11 year

Hi STeven,

Thanks again, yes i did untoggle the camera button and its not cupturing any video, and regarding the pulse i did try to increase it from the driver it did not work, can i increase it from the program it self ?

Thanks & Regards

Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 11 year

Can you start with a clean pipeline (press New) and then check the fps. It should be about what you had set the Min Processing rate to. If it isn't then check that value again in Options->Other->Min Processing FPS.

If you are getting a high FPS with a clean pipeline but not when you add back in your robofile then something else in the robofile is causing the lower frame rate. Can you include your robofile here so that we can review the most recent version?

sam from Egypt  [11 posts] 11 year

Hi STeven,

I did whta u said but nothing changed the FPS still below 30 . this is the robofile .

Thanks again

Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 11 year

reviewing the manual I think there are a couple things you can do ... I suggest you become very familiar with the manual at


as to how to configure your driver.

1. If you notice on page 3 the Dip settings will allow you to change the step resolution. If you increase this, the motor should move quicker.

2. I think the robofile you posted is not functioning correctly. According to the manual you are supposed to pulse the pulse signal ... I don't see that happening in your VBScript.

directionStep is either 1, 0 or -1?? -1?? That would be the same as 1 for a single bit value. -1 as binary is 255 for a single byte ... i.e. every bit is on.

directionX is just the COG_X value ... which will set bit 1 to be 0 or 1 depending on the binary value of the COG_X which is essentially random for what you are trying to do.

Instead try looking at the attached.

Note, we do NOT have this device. We are guessing based on what we can read. I highly suggest that you become very familiar with how to run that driver with the appropriate pin values. If what I've included doesn't work we will NOT know what is wrong since we can't test it against a physical device. That's something you have to do.

Make sure that pin 2 is connected to PUL+ and 3 is connected to DIR+.

The bit field in the parallel port is the bit to test in the variable ... in your case that should always be 1.

sam from Egypt  [11 posts] 11 year
Dear Steven

Firs of all I really appreciate your help, patient & support also I would like to thank you for the RR file, if fact nothing has changed except the FPS when untoggled the camera button it raise to 210 and when I start the cam. It goes down to 20 .
Does the camera has anything to do with the puls  signal?
Also how can I increase the puls signal in the VBScript?

Thanks a lot
Anonymous 11 year
Hi Again,

Another qoustion STeven, if i use  Arduino controller such as mega or uno and controle the motor driver throw the motor sheld , do you think this will solf the probem ?

Thnks and Regards

Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 11 year

"Does the camera has anything to do with the puls  signal?" - Yes, camera on, you will only get max 30 pulses, camera off, you may get much higher frequency.

"Also how can I increase the puls signal in the VBScript?" - You can't.

"Arduino as motor driver" - Yes, that may work but we don't know for sure since we can't test that.


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