68 posts
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Reduce amount of Write Image [2]
Hi Steven, I have attached my Robo file, I would like save every 10th picture written to file.
11 year 3 2743
Auto start Write Image on starting of RR [2]
Hi, Can  the "Write Image" auto start when RR is started without manually pressing Star...
11 year 3 2846
Auto start Write Image on starting of RR [4]
It was me................RR is fine.........:-) Thanks John...
11 year 3 2846
AVM [3]
Forgot to add, if an object goes out of view can the recognition box be stopped rather than carried over onto the out of range v...
12 year 8 2879
AVM [2]
Hi, Is it possible to just show the object name only rather than both the object name and highlight box..also can ...
12 year 8 2879
AVM [8]
Just downloaded and looking forward to using the upgrade, thanks John...
12 year 8 2879
AVM [5]
Thanks for the very quick response, much appreciated... Really impressed and I hope it may work in ...
12 year 8 2879
Start Pipeline with speech [3]
Part sorted, I enveloped the pipeline within an "if "statement using a robo file you had previously posted...I would have neve...
11 year 3 2967
Start Pipeline with speech [2]
I wish to start the RR pipeline when  I say "Start" but not sure of the VB syntax to use that stops the pipeline unt...
11 year 3 2967
Cropping problems [3]
Hi Steven, Thanks for your speedy response, much appreciated. I will download the upd...
11 year 3 3066
Cropping problems
I have just downloaded the Robo update and experiencing some funny effects on the Crop Module. When...
11 year 3 3066
AVI [2]
I am having a problem using the load avi or save avi modules. I get an error on read that says "Pl...
12 year 2 3216
Roborealm precision? [2]
Sounds great, Ronald Regan comes to mind..:-) To allow for any small delays, why not have the Laser...
10 year 3 3240
Display data from Pic [5]
For got to mention that the tracking would be servo tracking trying to keep the sailing boat in mid screen
12 year 6 3476
Display data from Pic [4]
Steven thanks again for your response, Before I go down that path could you enlighten me if the fol...
12 year 6 3476
Display data from Pic [2]
Is it possible to display the data from the Pic. I can see the PIC data I have got it to send in t...
12 year 6 3476
Display data from Pic [7]
Steven thanks for the info, As most of my computation takes place on the Pic which basiacally does the following after being sup...
12 year 6 3476
Suggestions for eye tracking algorithms [9]
Hi Zachary Sorry I can not help as I am not familiar with either but I am sure there will be an ans...
12 year 14 3582
Suggestions for eye tracking algorithms [5]
Hi, Had a simlar problem sending data from RR on the serial lead to communicate with the PIC and then relised that...
12 year 14 3582
Using Multiple USB Web Cam in Win XP [3]
Hi, I have used a program called Image Salsa with XP and have used two USB cams with no problem as it allocates an...
12 year 4 3604

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