74 posts
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Button [9]
Yes, I did tried using 1 in BUTTON INTERFACE AND SPARKFUN ARDUINO PIN13  and the "WATCH DISPLAY" appeared as I press...
12 year 11 3791
Button [7]
Hi Steven, Pls respond to this thread once you are available :)...
12 year 11 3791
Button [6]
Yes Thank, I am trying to toggle different ways to see the result 1. I first tried using image_coun...
12 year 11 3791
Button [4]
Hi Steven does the image_count corresponding to the "BUTTON INTERFACE" Module, Because at the But...
12 year 11 3791
Button [11]
Hi Steven Strange things happen the value has to be put around 1950 and the LED is ON now and guessing the VALUE in BUTTON INTER...
12 year 11 3791
Button [2]
Hi Is it possible to use button control interface to control LED, like swith on and off. Example I create 2 butto...
12 year 11 3791
Button [10]
Here is the pic of the setting of the WATCH VARIABLE which it seemed triggered when pressing the button it shows 1, however if i...
12 year 11 3791
Sparkfun servo options [6]
May I know your application of the encoder? is it for the robotic navigation or for any other application...
12 year 7 2779
Sparkfun servo options [4]
Yes it makes sense, I used to try program the robot with the encoder (Low resolution, However the arduiono still cant really abl...
12 year 7 2779
Roborealm with Sound Module (MCU) [2]
Hi, I am trying to program sound module with MCU communicator, with case as followed in arduino case 100: // play...
12 year 3 3942
Roborealm with Sound Module (MCU) [4]
Hi Steven 1 yes by pressing 5 second and realise, the sound is playing upon realising the buton. However try press...
12 year 3 3942
AVM NAvigator Delayed in pipe line [5]
Hi EDV, how you doiing, sorry for the late updating, has been dong some stuff recently, that video actually does not really turn...
12 year 4 2930
AVM NAvigator Delayed in pipe line [2]
Hi EDV this is my new updates, recently purchased a new board, and now i am having a delayed in sparkfun arduino, I cant reason ...
12 year 4 2930
Roborealm with Sound Module (MCU)
Hi, I am trying to program sound module with MCU communicator, with case as followed in arduino case 100: // play...
12 year 0 2030
Now AVM is working faster [12]
What You mean the program of oculus has what advantages over avm ?. May i know what program it take...
12 year 117 22106
Now AVM is working faster [38]
Thanks. That k lite codec  is it for playing the recorded video ? ...
12 year 117 22106
Now AVM is working faster [65]
Hi avm , currently the robot is on the lab, i will shoot again after some report writting. I will Need your help o...
12 year 117 22106
Now AVM is working faster [74]
Sorry, I ll give the illustration as followed with number 1 What is the value on ex...
12 year 117 22106
Now AVM is working faster [87]
HI EDV, thanks for the link, It is now installed in RR, I have a new problem, everytime i plug in t...
12 year 117 22106
Now AVM is working faster [98]
Hi Steven How do i move the turret by slider ? In it from sparkfun arduino module, i just unticked ...
12 year 117 22106

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