Roborealm with Sound Module (MCU)
ronn0011  [73 posts]
12 year
Hi, I am trying to program sound module with MCU communicator, with case as followed in arduino
case 100: // play "0000.ad4"
              sendCommand(0x0000); //delay(3000);
case 101 : // play "0001.ad4"
case 102 : // play "0001.ad4"
case 103 : // play "0001.ad4"
    default : break;

However the respond in the sound module is not as expected, when clicking s, by right rr corresponding send value 100, it does send by monitoring the " Watch variable" it does send value at my keyboard however upon realising it goes to 0, so i assumed the value has been sent to arduino trigger the sound 1 which is

case 100: // play "0000.ad4"

however, my observation, i need to hold the 's' for 5 second in order the sound to be played, how do I improve on this so just by pressing 's' or other function key it will plays the sounds right away



I am also having issue on the roborealm freeze quite often so i can close it or do some adjustment I need to force closed with windows task manager


below is the robo files and arduino files

#include <Servo.h>

Servo myservo;  // create servo object to control a servo

#define MCU_GET_ID 1
#define MCU_END_FRAME 2

unsigned char mailboxToSend[20];
unsigned char mailboxSendFlag[20];

unsigned long intValue[20];
unsigned char logicValue[20];
unsigned char *textValue[20];

unsigned char textStore[1024];
int textStoreTop=0;
   using pin 2,3,8 , with functionality as follows */
const int clockPin = 2;  // the pin number of the clock pin
const int dataPin = 3;  // the pin number of the data pin
const int resetPin = 4;  // the pin number of the reset pin

const unsigned int VOLUME_0 = 0xFFF0;
const unsigned int VOLUME_1 = 0xFFF1;
const unsigned int VOLUME_2 = 0xFFF2;
const unsigned int VOLUME_3 = 0xFFF3;
const unsigned int VOLUME_4 = 0xFFF4;
const unsigned int VOLUME_5 = 0xFFF5;
const unsigned int VOLUME_6 = 0xFFF6;
const unsigned int VOLUME_7 = 0xFFF7;

const unsigned int PLAY_PAUSE = 0xFFFE;
const unsigned int STOP = 0xFFFF;
/* send command to sound card for playing audio */
void sendCommand(unsigned int command) {
  // start bit
  digitalWrite(clockPin, LOW);

  // bit15, bit14, ... bit0
  for (unsigned int mask = 0x8000; mask > 0; mask >>= 1) {
    if (command & mask) {
      digitalWrite(dataPin, HIGH);
    else {
      digitalWrite(dataPin, LOW);
    // clock low
    digitalWrite(clockPin, LOW);

    // clock high
    digitalWrite(clockPin, HIGH);

  // stop bit

void setup()
  int i;  
  for (i=0;i<20;i++) { mailboxToSend[i]=0; mailboxSendFlag[i]=0; }

  // set pin 13 to output so we can flash the LED  
  pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
  //setting for driving two dc motors
  pinMode(i, OUTPUT);
  //Setting for sound card
  pinMode(clockPin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(dataPin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(resetPin, OUTPUT);

  digitalWrite(clockPin, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(dataPin, LOW);

  // reset the module
  digitalWrite(resetPin, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(resetPin, LOW);
  digitalWrite(resetPin, HIGH);


unsigned char getByte()
  while (Serial.available() <= 0) continue;
  return Serial.read();

void loop()
  unsigned char buffer[8];

  while (Serial.available()>0)
    unsigned char command;
    unsigned char mailbox;
    unsigned char crc;
    int hold;

    // command is the only byte that should have bit 7 set.  
      command = getByte();
    while ((command&128)==0);

    crc = command;

    switch (command)
      // init
      case  MCU_GET_ID:
        if ((buffer[0] = getByte())&128) continue;
        crc ^= buffer[0];
        if ((buffer[1] = getByte())&128) continue;
        crc ^= buffer[1];
        if ((buffer[2] = getByte())&128) continue;
        crc ^= buffer[2];
        if ((buffer[3] = getByte())&128) continue;
        crc ^= buffer[3];
        if ((buffer[4] = getByte())&128) continue;
        crc ^= buffer[4];
        if ((buffer[5] = getByte())&128) continue;
        crc ^= buffer[5];
        if ((buffer[6] = getByte())&128) continue;
        if ((crc&127)!=buffer[6]) continue;
        intValue[buffer[0]] = (unsigned long)buffer[1]|((unsigned long)buffer[2]<<7)|((unsigned long)buffer[3]<<14)|((unsigned long)buffer[4]<<21)|((unsigned long)buffer[5]<<28);
        if ((buffer[0] = getByte())&128) continue;
        crc ^= buffer[0];
        if ((buffer[1] = getByte())&128) continue;
        crc ^= buffer[1];
        if ((buffer[2] = getByte())&128) continue;
        if ((crc&127)!=buffer[2]) continue;
        logicValue[buffer[0]] = buffer[1];
        if ((mailbox = getByte())&128) continue;
        crc ^= mailbox;
        hold = textStoreTop;
          textStore[textStoreTop] = getByte();
        while ((textStoreTop<1024)&&(textStore[textStoreTop]));
        if ((crc&127)!=getByte()) { textStoreTop=hold; continue; }
        textValue[mailbox] = &textStore[hold];
      //stream values to mailbox
        mailbox = getByte();
        if (((crc^mailbox)&127)!=getByte()) continue;
        mailbox = getByte();
        if (((crc^mailbox)&127)!=getByte()) continue;
        mailbox = getByte();
        if (((crc^mailbox)&127)!=getByte()) continue;
      case  MCU_END_FRAME:
        // note that Text values are lost after being processed as we
        // will reuse the buffer for the next frame
  int i,j;
  unsigned long lvalue;
  unsigned char *tvalue;
  unsigned char crc;

  for (i=0;i<20;i++)
    if (mailboxToSend[i]&&mailboxSendFlag[i])
      switch (mailboxToSend[i])
          lvalue = intValue[i];

          Serial.write(buffer, 8);
        case  MCU_GET_LOGIC_MAILBOX:

          Serial.write(buffer, 4);
        case  MCU_GET_TEXT_MAILBOX:
          tvalue = textValue[i];

          crc = buffer[0]^buffer[1];
          while ((tvalue[j]!=0)&&(j<254))
            tvalue[j] &= 127;
            crc ^= tvalue[j];
          buffer[2] = crc&127;

          Serial.write(buffer, 2);
          Serial.write(tvalue, j);          
          Serial.write(&buffer[2], 1);

   using pin 4,5,6,7
//Standard PWM DC control
int E1 = 5;     //M1 Speed Control
int E2 = 6;     //M2 Speed Control
int M1 = 4;    //M1 Direction Control
int M2 = 7;    //M1 Direction Control

///For previous Romeo, please use these pins.
//int E1 = 6;     //M1 Speed Control
//int E2 = 9;     //M2 Speed Control
//int M1 = 7;    //M1 Direction Control
//int M2 = 8;    //M1 Direction Control

void stop(void)                    //Stop
  analogWrite(E1,0);  //?
  analogWrite(E1,0);  //?
void advance(char a,char b)          //Move forward
  analogWrite(E1,a);      //PWM Speed Control
void back_off(char a,char b)          //Move backward
  analogWrite (E1,a);
  analogWrite (E2,b);    
void turn_L(char a,char b)             //Turn Left
  analogWrite (E1,a);
  analogWrite (E2,b);    
void turn_R(char a,char b)             //Turn Right
  analogWrite (E1,a);
  analogWrite (E2,b);    

void driveMotors(int speed1, int speed2)
  analogWrite (E1,speed1);
  analogWrite (E2,speed2);    

// called after mailboxes from the PC have been sent ... this is where your code will go!
void processMailboxes()
  //controlling drive motors
  //controlling servo
  int pos = 180/200*(intValue[2]+100);
  //controlling sound card
// sendCommand(0x0000);

case 100: // play "0000.ad4"
              sendCommand(0x0000); //delay(3000);
case 101 : // play "0001.ad4"
case 102 : // play "0001.ad4"
case 103 : // play "0001.ad4"
    default : break;
  char val=0;
  char speed=255;
  case 'w'://Move Forward
    advance (speed,speed);   //move forward in max speed
  case 's'://Move Backward
    back_off (speed,speed);   //move back in max speed
  case 'a'://Turn Left
    turn_L (speed/2,speed/2);
  case 'd'://Turn Right
    turn_R (speed/2,speed/2);
  case 'z':
  case 'x':
  /* Here are samples only
  // Playing sounds
  // play "0000.ad4"

  // play "0001.ad4"

  // stop playing
  // MCU Communicator
  // variables value will be in one of intValue, textValue or logicValue
  // arrays and address by the mailbox number. Note the variable name is
  // NOT sent by identified by the corresponding mailbox number
  // as seen in the MCU Communicator GUI

  // we have set mailbox 0 to a logic value coming from RR. In this case
  // we attach it to the IMAGE_COUNT variable so we flash for every few
  // frames.
  if (intValue[0])
    digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(13, LOW);

  // To send a value back to mailbox #1 specify it as a Get in the MCU Communicator
  // interface and type in a variable name that will hold that value. Indicate its type
  // as Number and then use the following to send a value of IMAGE_COUNT+100 back to the PC
  // into that variable. Don't forget to set the flag!
  mailboxSendFlag[1] = 1;
  // To send back a string configure the MCU Communicator to a text type and use
  textValue[2] = (unsigned char *)"this is a test";
  mailboxSendFlag[2] = 1;

  // Now we convert mailbox 3's string into an uppercase version
  // of it and send it back via mailbox 4 into another string
  // variable. Note this is not a very reliable uppercase conversion
  // but just illustrates the point of string manipulation
  static unsigned char replyStr[256];
  int i;  
  for (i=0;textValue[3][i];i++)
    if (textValue[3][i]!=' ')  
      replyStr[i]=' ';
  mailboxSendFlag[4] = 1;
  // and set mailbox 5 to the length of this string
  intValue[5] = i;
  mailboxSendFlag[5] = 1;
  // invert the logic on mailbox 6
  logicValue[7] = logicValue[6]^1;
  mailboxSendFlag[7] = 1;

Anonymous 12 year

Are you saying that you need to hold the key down for 5 seconds BEFORE the sound starts? Or that it starts as soon as you hold the key down but then stops when you release it?

It seems that the code is sending the correct key value but your first Set_Variable module will reset it to zero as soon as you release the key.

Does the sound file start with 5 seconds of silence? Or should it start playing the sound right away?

ronn0011  [73 posts] 12 year
Hi Steven
1 yes by pressing 5 second and realise, the sound is playing upon realising the buton. However try pressing < 5 secs, it does bot trigger the sound.

2. The sound does not start with 5 sec of silence. It started immediately after realising the key button. (however the condition now has to hold the button a little long about 5 sec)

"Which it suppose trigger just by pressing abd realise key button instanteniously"

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