AVM NAvigator Delayed in pipe line
ronn0011  [73 posts]
12 year
Hi EDV this is my new updates, recently purchased a new board, and now i am having a delayed in sparkfun arduino, I cant reason out this.


And I also trying to interface with MCU, the purpose is I am using the navigation AVM and some of the keyboard input to control sound modules from arduino. Here is my configuration

Here some of the experiment using AVM
Anonymous 12 year

It doesn't seem to be an AVM issue .. that appears to be functioning correctly.

The problem that you are referring to is the initial delay in the Arduino connection? That delay is probably caused by the initial testing the system does to find the right COM port (it takes a second or so to timeout) but this problem should not occur again once the connection is made. Are you seeing this delay come back when testing?

Are you connecting directly from the netbook to the Arduino using a USB cable? Or is there some wireless com happening?

EDV  [328 posts] 12 year
Your video http://youtu.be/0cCnMWAQmxU looks really impressive!

Is it autonomous robot navigation on the video from 1:12?

Did your robot walk this way automatically?

Also I noticed that you use AVM Navigator v0.7.3.5 but new version 0.7.4 is already available.
There are "Learn from motion" option and update of “Watching mode”:

See AVM Navigator help page that also was updated:
ronn0011  [73 posts] 12 year
Hi EDV, how you doiing, sorry for the late updating, has been dong some stuff recently, that video actually does not really turns with AVM however the straight motion is I am using AVM to move it, because I do not have much space to try indoor however seemed working well

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