172 posts
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Bug in sample color module [3]
STeven, That's perfect. I was just thinking of requesting this type of functionality. Thanks....
10 year 3 2612
Directional close [9]
Is there a way that the close function can work on a wider range. For example if a high value is given the maximum expansion is ...
11 year 9 2590
Nearest blob [7]
Hi STeven, I just tested it. It does not seem to work. Nothing is displayed after the blob filter w...
10 year 11 2394
Nearest blob [9]
Hi Steven, Ok for example I want to find the blob closest to point x=139 and y=23
10 year 11 2394
Directional close [10]
Yes the directional symmetrical open is also very useful. Thanks....
11 year 9 2590
Nearest blob [11]
Hi STeven, Yes I downloaded it again and restart my PC. It is working perfectly now. Excellent. Tha...
10 year 11 2394
go to line feature [2]
Hi STeven, I found that it is possible to process the blob without any go to line feature and it wa...
10 year 4 2503
comparing the color of two blobs [4]
STeven Yes that works fine. I wasn't sure how to do the comparison and if i would have to use the ...
12 year 8 2914
go to line feature [3]
ha ha... i think i spoke too soon. i should have tested before i put my last post... sorry. i thought i could get the mean inten...
10 year 4 2503
comparing the color of two blobs [5]
I have been testing the program and i am getting inconsistent results Around 5.0 E-2 for similar colors
12 year 8 2914
comparing the color of two blobs [7]
Hi STeven, The problem was that i sampled a large area instead of a small area. I did that the firs...
12 year 8 2914
line angle limit [2]
Hi STeven, There seems to be a bug in this module. I reduced the distance limit but I am still gett...
10 year 4 1580
Code Laboratories Playstation Eye [4]
That's odd coz the PS3 eye shows a max of 120fps on the interface but keeps defaulting to 60fps when a faster fps is used. On t...
11 year 4 1959
Minimum count for cluster [5]
STeven, As you can see from the robo file, five cluster points are formed in this example. You will...
12 year 5 2567
Minimum count for cluster [6]
Or is there another way to remove that blob based on the fact that there is no other blobs above or below it?...
12 year 5 2567
Trapezium crop [3]
sorry let me elaborate, as the distance gets further the object or scene (like a road or pavement or corridor) gets smaller due ...
12 year 7 4419
comparing the color of two blobs [8]
Hi STeven, The following is an example of a problem i am trying to solve. There are 5 blobs. 3 are ...
12 year 8 2914
dilate bug [3]
Maybe it does work but its not showing as clearly as white mask....
12 year 3 2982
Avoid bottom border [4]
I am working with the blob filter module. I cant crop the bottom portion of the image out as it may or may not be there (the blo...
12 year 10 3056
Avoid bottom border [6]
Yes that would definitely do the trick. Thanks...
12 year 10 3056

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