172 posts
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Showing a specific blob [11]
Hi STeven, The invert feature works with absolute values (cogX and cogY). But when i use values fro...
12 year 13 2394
Blob reduction [3]
STeven, Excellent. That's exactly what I needed....
11 year 3 2647
Showing a specific blob [13]
STeven, Yes i tried that. It still did not work. The wrong blob keeps getting removed. Pls see the ...
12 year 13 2394
Nearest blob [2]
What i would like to do is to set a point and find the blob closest to that point based on that blobs closest perimeter point....
11 year 11 2550
reading values after time lapse [4]
That's great thanks. I managed to use the SetTimedVariable feature to accomplish a similar effect....
13 year 3 3447
camera CMUcam connect PC with usb DB9 [8]
I was thinking that it would be easier to create and test the required vision functions with RR and once done, use an interface ...
13 year 15 6311
camera CMUcam connect PC with usb DB9 [10]
Does RR run on windows CE 6?...
13 year 15 6311
Minimum count for cluster [3]
The ability to remove single sparse blobs would definitely improve my programs ability to isolate the correct blob cluster. Hope...
12 year 5 2809
camera CMUcam connect PC with usb DB9 [11]
based on this post http://www.roborealm.com/...
13 year 15 6311
camera CMUcam connect PC with usb DB9 [12]
According to this post http://www.roborealm....
13 year 15 6311
Directional close
Hi STeven, There seems to be an issue with the new feature. The directional close seems to effect b...
11 year 9 2801
points within a blob [3]
Yes definitely less then 256 blobs. I would say after applying the blob filter there would be less then 50 blobs....
9 year 5 2133
Directional close [5]
Here is the gif image
11 year 9 2801
camera CMUcam connect PC with usb DB9 [14]
XPe still needs x86. Only WinCE can run on ARM (Most tablets)....
13 year 15 6311
points within a blob [5]
Hi STeven, Great solution ;) Thanks...
9 year 5 2133
Directional close [7]
My apologies. The close value I was using was way too high i.e. symmetrical horizontal close at value 14. I reduced it to value ...
11 year 9 2801
Nearest blob [4]
STeven, As you can see the closest blob is the one above the one that was isolated in terms of peri...
11 year 11 2550
camera CMUcam connect PC with usb DB9 [16]
Hi, I would definitely be interested in an Android version :) ...
13 year 15 6311
Directional close [8]
I used I big dilate value because I was worried that if the blobs were further apart it would not close. What value do you recom...
11 year 9 2801
Nearest blob [5]
Steven, Maybe a new checkbox can be added in the blob filter module. The "Nearest" feature could ...
11 year 11 2550

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