48 posts
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Training through API call [3]
at the top of your robo file add a vbs module with the code of PushButton "Object_Recognition", 0...
13 year 3 1893
finding heighest white pixel on each x pixel column [3]
never mind I got it if VariableExists("STARTUP") = false then   dim heigh...
13 year 2 1756
finding heighest white pixel on each x pixel column [2]
Hi all, I've failed to figure this one out! What I am wanting to do i...
13 year 2 1756
IP Cameras [4]
Providing the IP camera outputs the video to a HTTP server in the form of a video.cgi file it will ...
13 year 3 1741
Image Distributor problems [2]
Hi! I am having some problems using the distributor client and server.
13 year 3 1738
Image Distributor problems [4]
Hi Steven, I will try out the new version tonight! if problems persist I will do some more thorough...
13 year 3 1738
Clear cuurent image [5]
you cant not have an image unless you turn off the camera. by no image I assume you actually mean black LOL
13 year 5 1706
Clear cuurent image [3]
what do you want to clear it to? if you want to go back to the source webcam image use the Marker m...
13 year 5 1706

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