Training through API call
13 year
Is there a way to train the object recognition module through an API call? It seems that I have to click on "Train" at least once after loading the .robo file before the module starts recognizing objects. I would like to be able to do all this through an API call.

James Dickinson from Australia  [49 posts] 13 year
at the top of your robo file add a vbs module with the code of

PushButton "Object_Recognition", 0, "Train"

to have it only go once you could do

if VariableExists("STARTUP") = false then
  PushButton "Object_recognition", 0, "Train"
  SetVariable "STARTUP", 1
Anonymous 13 year
James is correct ... that will do the trick but we also noticed that there was a small problem on startup that prevented the template file from being loaded and run. This has been fixed in 2.42.7. Can you download and try again?

Also, there is a "monitor folder" checkbox in the Training interface that if selected will check the folder and retrain when a new file is placed into that folder. (In case this is easier for you).

Regardless, you should not need to train the module when you startup RR if you have already trained it.

Thanks for the note!


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