330 posts
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AVM Navigator Module Inaccurate? [6]
>> I am also worried as there are a lot more unwanted "New Objects" that are being recognized without learning them.
12 year 25 6376
AVM Navigator Module Inaccurate? [4]
I used my head as pendulum and it was working pretty well with helping of AVM tracking: ...
12 year 25 6376
New DVR Client version is released [4]
The next update of DVR Client v2.1 is released and you can download it from here: ...
12 year 3 6791
New DVR Client version is released [2]
Finally new DVR Client v2.0 is released and you can download it from here: ...
12 year 3 6791
New DVR Client version is released [3]
New DVR Server v0.3 is released. Changes: - Integrated installer of parametric datab...
12 year 3 6791
AVM NAvigator Delayed in pipe line [4]
Your video http://youtu.be/0cCnMWAQmxU looks really impressive! <...
12 year 4 2860
Object tracking [7]
>> I've had a 'fiddle' with AVM navigator and managed to teach it a few objects/faces, but not the first idea how to tu...
12 year 13 6307
Object tracking [8]
Bmw318be>> Hi, but how to do the localization in pan and tilt if I want to use pan rotation to do the localization in the ...
12 year 13 6307
Object tracking [3]
I added “Learn from motion” option to “Object recognition” mode and you should download RoboRealm package with new AVM Navigator...
12 year 13 6307
Object tracking [6]
It is a testing of the enhanced tracking algorithm that takes into consideration variable servo speed: ...
12 year 13 6307
Object tracking [5]
Here is complete solution of object tracking: ...
12 year 13 6307
Object tracking [10]
The good contrast of movable object on the general background and also size of motion area that commensurable with key image siz...
12 year 13 6307
AVM Navigator input sources [8]
I think you should use the latest version of AVM Navigator v0.7.4 for testing. >> Hi, how do ...
12 year 8 2251
AVM Navigator input sources [7]
I try to understand what combinations of modules lead to crash? Read_HTTP + AVM Navigator -> crash comes three ...
12 year 8 2251
AVM Navigator input sources [5]
Unfortunately but I did not test AVM Navigator module on Windows 7 64-bit (it was tested only on win32 platforms).
12 year 8 2251
Now AVM is working faster [26]
>> Would that be possible to place it on the 1.3 m height and navigate it? Seems like this sh...
12 year 117 21708
Now AVM is working faster [48]
I see the progress in your experiments. Keep it up the good work! Now you have navigation like in t...
12 year 117 21708
Now AVM is working faster
2. Concentrate your attention on searching the cause of delay in pipeline processing. You should tr...
12 year 117 21708
Now AVM is working faster [69]
Thank you for robo file! And it seems that you correctly have connected navigator module to your robot with arduin...
12 year 117 21708
Now AVM is working faster [81]
Hey Bmw318be :) it would be nice if you could shoot new video about your experiments with AVM Navigator. I think it would be pre...
12 year 117 21708

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