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Screen Capture [2]
Yes, there are various ways to do this. Since it is always in the same spot you can crop the image to just that location and use... |
7 year | 3 | 2040 |
Basler USB3 camera setup [2]
You have two options: DirectX - check if you can download the DirectX (DirectInput) drivers for the... |
3 year | 3 | 1657 |
Color detection [2]
Jim, Attached is one way to do this ... but its not quite done. There are a couple things you can d... |
8 year | 3 | 1933 |
Can Roborealm get screen images from a different program running? [3]
You may find the module ... |
9 year | 3 | 1969 |
Issues with processing duration and misc questions [3]
With some further testing, it occurred to me to ask if you are keeping the connection open during the loop iteration or are clos... |
8 year | 3 | 2075 |
Camera support Needed [2]
Aman, That's a better question for the manufacturer. Ask them what you need to install to use the c... |
8 year | 3 | 2191 |
Problems Using GetArrayVariable in VBScript [3]
BE, 1. Thanks for the investigation. Yes, the Read_Variables module was actually created BEFORE arr... |
8 year | 3 | 2697 |
Rotating Camera Image After Modules [2]
Carter, The problem is that the Blob_Replace references the Source image and uses that to print the... |
8 year | 3 | 2264 |
Issues with processing duration and misc questions [2]
Josh, Q1: Can I assume that you are using the COM object in 32 bit mode? The times in the display a... |
8 year | 3 | 2075 |
Java help needed [2]
Aman, JScript isn't Java. Its just a scripting language created for the web a couple years ago call... |
8 year | 2 | 2460 |
Dll error when trying to run the VB script program [2]
Manoj, There are couple things you can try that will help to better indicate the issue. | 7 year | 2 | 2850 |
multiples cog with same colour [2]
See http://w... |
7 year | 2 | 1918 |
Arduino Mega-Roborealm Serial Timing Question [2]
eJMO, Thanks for the detail description! The new variable value will have to wait to cycle through ... |
9 year | 2 | 1979 |
Write images [2]
Roland, That particular value wasn't able to understand a variable ... so that has been fixed. You ... |
9 year | 2 | 2250 |
Speak within an if Statement [2]
John, That is basically correct but I would make one change to the If statement and switch it to Co... |
8 year | 2 | 2302 |
Failing to set image/get variables [2]
Josh, Can you post what code you are using the SetBitmap function in? I.e. we'd need to know how yo... |
8 year | 2 | 1814 |
Prompting on screen with Beep sound [2]
Jahee, An easy way to do this is to use the Latch selection in the if_statement module. That will e... |
8 year | 2 | 1673 |
FIRST FRC 2017 [2]
Sandy, We had heard of the peg target before kickoff but since have not seen that even mentioned. D... |
7 year | 2 | 2192 |
kinect 360 on windows8.1 [2]
Marco, I assume you tried the libusb libraries documented on ... |
9 year | 2 | 2088 |
Detecting pills in trays [2]
Alan, This isn't something that we can just answer as there are a lot of details to this process. Y... |
6 year | 2 | 1864 |
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