13 posts
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Paint of the field [2]
Hello! In the project im doing right now I have a ´testbed´, a 'field´ that is made with straw car...
14 year 2 2030
Path planning next waypoint distance [2]
Hello STeven, I have replicated the path planning tutorial and works perfectly, but i desire to imp...
14 year 3 3898
Variable Values on VBScript [11]
Hi STeven, I have change the way I detect robots, this because I had lot of noise due the light, an...
15 year 14 6951
Variable Values on VBScript [9]
STeven, Thank you a lot for your answer, I really appreciate your help. I proved the ...
15 year 14 6951
Variable Values on VBScript [7]
STeven, Thanks again for your answer. I will add more bricks to robot head as anyway ...
15 year 14 6951
Variable Values on VBScript [5]
I forgot to tell you: I have a static overhead camera....
15 year 14 6951
Variable Values on VBScript [14]
STeven, I forgot to make you another question (apart from the other on my prevoius post).
15 year 14 6951
Variable Values on VBScript [4]
STeven, Thank you for the answer, I actually had that error and correct it this way for the red rob...
15 year 14 6951
Variable Values on VBScript [13]
STeven, I actually have to detect 6 objects (3 robots and 3 objects), that's why I'm trying to do...
15 year 14 6951
Variable Values on VBScript [2]
Hello, I am doing a visual odometry for 3 robots with a camera (determinate the X,Y,theta - positio...
15 year 14 6951
Pixels to Centimeters [4]
STeven, This is what I understood: I put a 90cm rule on the floor. I u...
15 year 4 13815
Pixels to Centimeters [2]
I want to know the position of some robots; I have a static overhead camera and use RoboRealm to acquire position.
15 year 4 13815
6 object [3]
Why don't you try to recogn object by blobs size?...
15 year 3 2812

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