Hi steven,
I have calculated the angle between 3 object previously. The objects were moving. It was fine. However, now I have 6 moving objects. Let say A, B, C, D, E, F. I have used RGB filter to distinguish all the objects for instance A(RGB filter Green), B (Yellow), C(Red), D(Magenta), E(Cyan), F(Blue). I want find the angle between ABC, BCD, CDE and so on. My problem is, it was so hard to distinguish these 6 objects using different color because the colors intensity seem so close for example (red versus magenta) and (green versus yellow). When I used COG it did not stable. Keep changing. How can I use one color only but still can calculate the angle between objectA, objectB and object C, and so on. I tried to use blob tracking but did not successful. Kindly help me.