42 posts
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when will the next version be out? [2]
I know that you guys have went above and beyond and you can't work all of the time. But, I was just curious when the next versi...
14 year 7 2376
What steps do I take. [2]
Now that I have RR, what steps do I take to get Navigation and Obstical Avoidance working on LEAF? I know that you had this work...
14 year 1 2119
RoboRealm is not letting me activate a new install after I reinstalled windows7 [2]
Service request to reset my install. I did renew my license. It is the same old machine. windows7 with 5 core cpu...
12 year 2 1771
OK, I will ask again [2]
OK, since it has been 9 days since I asked the question, I will word it a different way.  
14 year 7 2409
More for Steven [2]
I have many computers. I do my best to uninstall before I reinstall. I am trying to get RR to work on my roomba now. I just got ...
13 year 2 1703
for Steven [2]
Hey, Steven,      Here is a situation that I have run into. I have been trying ...
13 year 3 1729
for EDV [2]
Hey ED!    I finally got my hands on a Roomba robot that I could try with the Nav programs. I went throu...
13 year 8 1978
Flakey Kinect [2]
Steven,    Things are looking really good now.  I seem to have a small problem....
14 year 2 1985
Kinect-modul does not show depth-image [17]
Steven, I looked at the software and I could not tell which would be the new one and which would be the old one. If you could ma...
14 year 47 6385
Kinect-modul does not show depth-image [20]
Thank You Steven and Happy Thanksgiving! :-)...
14 year 47 6385
Kinect-modul does not show depth-image [21]
Steven,    I gave it a try. It got worse. The Accellerometer is now missing. Now, I don'...
14 year 47 6385
Kinect-modul does not show depth-image [34]
All the tests seem to pass. Except NO Kinect with RR. Thanks,...
14 year 47 6385
Kinect-modul does not show depth-image [36]
Gunter,    Don't give up. Steven said it was not over yet. ...
14 year 47 6385
Kinect-modul does not show depth-image [37]
Steven,    I have tried upto 2.29.4 without any good results. The latest one does not wan...
14 year 47 6385
Kinect-modul does not show depth-image [39]
I am trying to give you as much info as I can. It gives me an error message that says "unable to f...
14 year 47 6385
Kinect-modul does not show depth-image [40]
OK, Steven,     I will work on this end to see if I can get rid of all the stuf...
14 year 47 6385
Kinect-modul does not show depth-image [42]
Hey , Steven!!    We are NOW making progress. Through RR I can control the LED and the Mo...
14 year 47 6385
Kinect-modul does not show depth-image [44]
I am now seeing side by side. I had to reduce the picture to 50% in order to get both to show. I don't see a check box next to ...
14 year 47 6385
Kinect-modul does not show depth-image [45]
OK, there was NO box. But when I click where it should 've been it appeared. now I see the accellometer! yeah! I think we are g...
14 year 47 6385
Kinect-modul does not show depth-image [46]
OK, Steven!   Everything is working now with RR.  All I need now is to have a ...
14 year 47 6385

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