83 posts
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Password [8]
Hi STeven! I downloaded the latest verson and replaced all files including the index.html file. Eve...
16 year 8 2204
Error? How to fix? [4]
Hi les6772! (again),     After doing somer messing around on the two computers ...
16 year 6 2861
No Title [15]
Hi STeven! Thanks for the reply.  For some reason the date times isn't being uploaded he...
16 year 14 3329
My Logitech Sphere AF freezes when pan buttons clicked [18]
Hi NairB, I'm using the older model of the Orbit and mine seems to be panning ok so far. How far t...
16 year 48 6086
Display text [4]
Ok STeven, I'm all clear on that now. Thanks! Dave
16 year 3 2706
Logitech Orbit MP [6]
Hi STeven! My lunch consisted of coffee sand a smoke. LOL!!!  &nb...
16 year 9 2616
Logitech Orbit MP [7]
Hi STeven!     After doing a lot of messing, drinking a lot off coffee, and hav...
16 year 9 2616
My Logitech Sphere AF freezes when pan buttons clicked [22]
STeven & NairB It seems I ran into a problem with the latest verson of RoboRealm crashing, and I'm...
16 year 48 6086
My Logitech Sphere AF freezes when pan buttons clicked [25]
Hi NairB, I'm sure we all have reason's why we have the settings "set" as we do. In your case, ...
16 year 48 6086
My Logitech Sphere AF freezes when pan buttons clicked [27]
Thanks STeven! Everything thus far seems to be working ok, no crashing and the FPS seem to be worki...
16 year 48 6086
My Logitech Sphere AF freezes when pan buttons clicked [30]
Hi STeven & NairB It looks as though I'm still having some issues here on the one computer with th...
16 year 48 6086
My Logitech Sphere AF freezes when pan buttons clicked [33]
Hi NairB Yes, thats pretty slow, much slower then I expected. I was expecting 1 to 3 fps. On my sid...
16 year 48 6086
My Logitech Sphere AF freezes when pan buttons clicked [34]
NairB,    I checked your cam again and on my end I'm getting one frame every two seconds...
16 year 48 6086
My Logitech Sphere AF freezes when pan buttons clicked [36]
Hi NairB,    I was thinking the same thing, getting a third party to check. Well I hate t...
16 year 48 6086
No Title [2]
Hi STeven & NairB I was at NairB's cam just a little bit ago and still the same thing .42 fps, 30K...
16 year 1 2603
My Logitech Sphere AF freezes when pan buttons clicked [39]
Hi STeven Sorry about the (No Title) post, guess I was still alseep when I posted that this morning...
16 year 48 6086
My Logitech Sphere AF freezes when pan buttons clicked [41]
I take it RoboRealm is working on port 8080 and that port is open? Check your ports and be sure RoboRealm is configured on port ...
16 year 48 6086
Logitech Orbit MP [8]
Hi STeven!     Just wanted to let you know I got the webpage loading without an...
16 year 9 2616
My Logitech Sphere AF freezes when pan buttons clicked [43]
Hi NairB!    I think your on to something here. I connected twice and the first time the ...
16 year 48 6086
My Logitech Sphere AF freezes when pan buttons clicked [45]
Hahaha..... I don't know if it was me or not, it was just about 10 minutes ago and its 6:37 p.m. here. Yes, when a connection i...
16 year 48 6086

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