18 posts
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Boe Bot Serial Communication [68]
The other alternative to the recommended USBLIVE product noted above is to use a TV Tuner video card.  Hauppauge makes...
16 year 73 43665
Boe Bot Serial Communication [44]
It is a rather long thread, so appologies in advance if I am way off base, but isn't the idea for the Stamp to "read" the ser...
16 year 73 43665
Boe Bot Serial Communication [57]
are you sending a "!" as part of your SEROUT?  Are you sure that 396 is the correct value for receiving a 2400 baud ...
16 year 73 43665
Boe Bot Serial Communication [49]
I think the code should be the same... double check your settings in the "Serial" section to make sure you are actually commun...
16 year 73 43665
Roborealm can't connect with boe-bot (serial port) [5]
try reducing the video format (I don't remember the numbers, but I think it is the second smallest possible setting)....
16 year 10 3404
Roborealm can't connect with boe-bot (serial port) [3]
are you sure that the settings in the Serial module are correct... it is using the correct port, is the baud and other settings ...
16 year 10 3404
will roborealm help to make robots that dont require human intervention? [3]
RoboRealm runs continuously and does not need any intervention (unless you want to program in user Intervention!).  Ta...
16 year 2 2367
Tracking red object with Boe-Bot [5]
review this thread for additional details... ...
16 year 4 2516
Tracking red object with Boe-Bot [3]
did you check out this tutorial?  ...
16 year 4 2516
My Logitech Sphere AF freezes when pan buttons clicked [40]
I have downloaded the latest version (, and now I can't access roborealm remotely... it looks good in Roborealm and go...
16 year 48 6230
Power Variables [4]
Thanks!  It's so hard keeping track of all the great enhancements!...
17 year 4 3083
Power Variables [2]
In my simple robo file that is used to create a telepresence robot, I noticed several variables available for display... where d...
17 year 4 3083
suspend operation{delay [3]
Not quite sure why you need RoboRealm to suspend video processing... could you simply have the robot "listen" for a command, t...
17 year 5 2637
What is page2.html [2]
I recently noticed a file in the download called "page2.html"... it looks like it just has "dfgdfddf" as its contents.
17 year 2 2705
controlling a robot over the internet [3]
Never mind... I figured it out... it turns out that I didn't have the port set on the Serial module... I wish there was a way t...
17 year 3 2362
controlling a robot over the internet [2]
I am looking to use RoboRealm to provide an easy interface for controlling a robot over the Internet.  I have studied ...
17 year 3 2362
How do I remove items in the "Recent..." menus
I've looked throughout the documentation, but can't find how I remove items listed in the the "Recent Images", "Recent Modu...
17 year 3 2349
save robo file [2]
In the Save dialog box, select ".robo" as the file type....
17 year 3 2882

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