32 posts
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RR and GPS [5]
Bu-323 is one of the best usb gps avaiable and a cheaper tho, have a magnetic base and a very good gps sensor.
16 year 8 2627
Windows XP Embedded SP2 [8]
Sorry i made a mistake on the pictures here they are: PX-1000g ...
16 year 10 8586
problems with VB.NET [2]
i have the same problem make sure u resisted the dll. i have a small program in vb.net to pass some variables. if you want give ...
16 year 3 2063
Creative Motion Smooth track [4]
When you plug the camera it centers it self so you know  what values you have when you move it, but if you force left ...
15 year 5 2650
Real-time Application in RR? [2]
If your not a programmer them i assume you cant make a small client/server program for that, server program communicate whit RR,...
16 year 4 1959
Omnivision and Visual Odometry [3]
Could you put the images that you had and the robofile i can test it on my one?...
15 year 3 3054
wireless usb launcher [2]
In theory u can use any RF signal to transmit any data, but the RF signal use on wireless usb launcher don't have velocity to s...
16 year 2 2512
Generic HID device control from RoboRealm (plus wiimote) [2]
thats a great idea i use the wiimote to but to interface it whit the roboreal i must use "glovepie" to get the keys and axys. ...
13 year 9 13184
Generic HID device control from RoboRealm (plus wiimote) [4]
Both keypreesse and as a joystick, for the joystick i have other software that i need to have running but atm im not at work so ...
13 year 9 13184
Generic HID device control from RoboRealm (plus wiimote) [6]
U dont need a wii to test it just a wiimote 30 / 40 € This site whave plenty of info ...
13 year 9 13184
Target for multiple object whit same color [3]
Thx for the quick answer this was very useful. RR as lots of parts and its difficult to test everything. Two more...
16 year 4 2457
Framerate issues while object tracking [2]
I have the same board (1GB DDR2 677mhz) and have suffer the same problem, but not that low FPS 10 -17. Most likely...
15 year 36 4046

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