Radial Intensity
The Radial Intensity module is used to compensate for radial lighting, the kind that is generated from a single point light source and diffuses over a surface area. In many applications keeping the lighting as flat as possible can make segmentation or analysis of foreground objects much easier if the lighting/intensity is similar throughout the image.
1. Center X - Specify the x coodinate of the highest light point in the image. This is the point that is closest to the light source.
2. Center Y - Specify the y coodinate of the highest light point in the image. This is the point that is closest to the light source.
3. Contant - Amount of intensity to adjust the entire image by.
4. Linear - Amount of intensity to adjust towards the center location by a linear amount.
5. Quadratic - Amount of intensity to adjust towards the center location by a quadratic amount.
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