winte into the roborealm virtual device
Martin from Spain  [5 posts]
7 year

I would like to know if it is possible configured the roborealm virtual device as an output device, in my case I have an IP camera and I would like have the IP camera as a camera virtual device. I have the configuration to obtain the IP camera, but on the documentation I don't see nothing about write in a roborealm virtual device

Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 7 year

Once you have the IP camera viewable within RoboRealm, all you need to do is to enable the virtual camera configuration in Options Button->Virtual Camera Tab. Once you have installed and enabled at least 1 vcam you should then see RR VCam device in any other application that uses a webcam. The image would then be of the IP camera or any other image within RR.


Martin from Spain  [5 posts] 7 year
Hi Steven,

Many thanks for your quick answer.
I am attaching my robo file with the camera IP configuration, but I don't know how I can redirect the input from the IP camera to the vcam, I already have installed the vcam.

Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 7 year

That's good. Now all you need to do is to enable the VCam using the Options button->Vcam tab->Check VCam #1. See red box in included image.

You don't 'redirect' the image using a module. You just turn on the VCam and it will grab the current image as its data. Once this is done, use another app like Skype and select the RoboRealm Virtual Camera from *ITS* camera list.

This assumes you are actually looking for the vcam functionality. Perhaps I have mis- understood what you are trying to do ... what are you trying to accomplish?


Martin from Spain  [5 posts] 7 year
Hi Steven,

Many thanks!
I am attaching the current configuration, it is ok?

I am using WebRTC to access to an IP camera, so WebRTC doesn't have support to IP cameras, but you can use a Vcam device connected to an IP and WebRTC can use this Vcam.

Thanks a lot!


Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 7 year

Yes, that configuration looks fine. Are you seeing the image now using WebRTC?

Martin from Spain  [5 posts] 7 year

sorry for the delay.
yes, finally works, many many thanks!
One more questions, how can launch the roborealm on "background mode" passing a file to run, I mean, from cmd I am executing "roborealm.exe camera_ip.robo" but this launch the program on first plane I want to execute this but on "background mode", it is possible?

Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 7 year

Yes, this is possible. You can start RR using

roborealm.exe -faceless c:\path\to\camera_ip.robo

but you MUST be running the commercial version. The faceless (i.e. background) mode doesn't exist in the Personal version.

Martin from Spain  [5 posts] 7 year

ok thanks.
It's possible send via telnet the configuration file? or the content of the configuration file?

Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 7 year

No, it would not work over telnet but instead you could specify a shared folder or something that gets synced across machines in order to have a centralized store.


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