Bug in IMAGE_DATETIME variable
Barney from United States  [14 posts]
12 year

There seems to be a bug in the IMAGE_DATETIME variable. I am using the Display_DateTime module, but the variable IMAGE_DATETIME does not get updated and remains at a fixed value (pic attached).

Also, is there variable that I can use to time stamp the image on a  milisecond scale? (I am trying to execute a command only if an image match occours for 1.5 seconds or more).


Barney from United States  [14 posts] 12 year
ok i figured out where the problem is. I am using RoboRealm to read data from a file and plot a diagram using the display line function. In this process an image from a camera source is not collected and therefore the IMAGE_DATETIME and IMAGE_TIME etc variables are not initialised.

I would be grateful if you could tweak the code so that the programmer has access to these features even if a camera is not used.
Anonymous 12 year

You can always set these variables based on the content read from the file. They are variable set like any others and can also be overwritten if needed. Any of the programming module or the Set_Variable module will do that.

Otherwise, what value would you expect those to be if no image is read?

Barney from United States  [14 posts] 12 year
Thanks for the quick reply Steven. I want shape matching to give a positive result only if an object is consistantly present for a given amount of time. And therefore i want to have access to a timer function. This feature is already implemented but not accessible to me. This is because Roborealm does not consider an annotation (like draw line) as an active image source.

Although no Image/Video is read, it is being constructed in Roborealm using the  Draw Line function.
Anonymous 12 year

Couple ways you can do this:

1. If you set the min processing rate in Options->Other the system will cycle through the same image and should set more timer variables for you to use. This is a way to force an image refresh on a defined cycle.

2. You always have access to the Timer function in VBScript that can generate a timestamp.

3. Similar to #1 you can also use the Timer module which will cause a refresh too.

4. You can also use the Flicker module to stabilize the object prior to the shape matching module. The flicker module ensures that the pre recognized object is present in X frames before it is allowed to appear.



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