Blob Matching
Farid from Netherlands  [2 posts]
14 year
Hi, I am new with the application and hope to be able to take a snapshot of seprate blobs I managed to distinguish so that I can perform Image matching on every single blob. the task is to identify seprate words written in MS word environment and compare each word with images of words in the inventory so that desired words are identified and proceeding actions could take place.  
Anonymous from United Kingdom  [99 posts] 14 year
Yikes the overall project sounds tough.  To address your question.

Using the blob filter you have to option to return a blob array.  This will give you the center of each blob.  You can then create image markers and crop the image centered on the center of each blob with parameters from the bounding box of each blob (effectively isolating each blob)  Now you just have to run a good classifier against each blob against your library.  Maybe the image match module would help you here.  I might spend some time testing the classifier against your training database before worrying about the image segmentation problem.

good luck!
Anonymous 14 year

You may also have a look at the shape matching module. As you are probably getting a very precise graphic from MS Word the shape matching (after some sort of thresholding) should work quite well.

Perhaps you can also include a sample graphic that you are working with and we can see if the Shape Matching might work.

Something similar to


may work.

Farid from Netherlands  [2 posts] 14 year
Dear Steven,

I just noticed that the variable Shape_path does return an empty value when used in called through VB. I have been rummaging through the forum and realized that this is apparently a bug which is fixed in the new upgrade. However, I can not figure out from where this new version could be downloaded. Would you please assist me with this regard. Many thanks in advance.
Anonymous 14 year

To update to the latest version you just use the same link that you initially did to download the application. It automatically updates to the latest copy. If you don't have this link handy use the contact form to send us a quick note with your email address and we'll get that back out to you.

Let us know if this does not fix your Shape_Path issue.


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