Shape Matching Issue
Jeff McGrew  [4 posts]
14 year
I am trying to use the shape matching module to recognize shapes, however want it to ignore extra pixels beyond the shape I am wanting to recognize.   I created a simple circle, and added an extra line.  I have to drop the confidence level to 66 percent to recognize the shape.  Is there a way to accomplish this?  The shapes I am trying to recognize have extra pixels, and I would like to be able to recognize the basic shape without having to include the extra pixels.  Also must the shape being recognized be one connected body without any seperations?

Anonymous 14 year

You may try to pre-process the shape prior to identification. For example, you can use the Smooth_Hull module to remove extra pixels prior to recognition.


Or you could alternatively try the erode module which does something similar


Or if you shapes are really circles then using the canny edge detection followed by the circle detection module you would be able to track circles.


Yes, the shapes need to be separate objects before being recognized. You can try using the erode module to help with this. Also if the connections are too large you can try the Watershed or the Blob_Split module to disconnect shapes.


If these do not help post the images that are causing difficulty and we can take a look.


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