how to send data to processing from roborealm
gioscarab from Italy  [2 posts]
14 year
Hi I am triyng to send data from roborealm to processing and then from processing to an arduino module. I use the comport to receive data from arduino, but i can't receive data from roborealm. Which tec is needed to connect those programs?
Thanks a lot!!
roborealm is fantastic!!!!
Anonymous 14 year

While we know about processing we are not 100% familiar with all its integration possibilities. I think OSC can be used for this? We have a module that supports OSC communication at


or we have many other integration possibilities (some easier than others) which can be reviewed at


If you find something in Processing which is easy to use but not supported by something in RoboRealm let us know and we will investigate adding that functionality as we are always eager to add new integration methods.


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