Key Send
Samuel Rosenstein from United States  [30 posts]
15 year
How does your key send work?
Sam R.
Anonymous 15 year

It does pretty much what is documented.


Perhaps you could explain more about what you tried but apparently did not work ... note that the application must accept keystrokes in order for this to work. Also note that you may need to focus on the app before the keystrokes will be interpreted by it.

Samuel Rosenstein from United States  [30 posts] 15 year
Sorry. I more meant to ask how it works, as in the programming aspect. I am trying to make a module that would do something like key send, but I can't figure out how to do it without sending it to notepad. Could I maybe see the code if that would be ok?
Thanks a lot,
Sam R.
Anonymous 15 year

the term you want to search on is "keyboard stuffing".

That should result in a lot of links many of which will have example code.


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