Erik from United States  [1 posts]
14 year
Are there any I/O boards that are supported by Roborealm? I would really like to be able to input data from sensors into Roborealm.
Anonymous 14 year
Yes, a whole bunch.  Check out the RoboRealm help/documentation page and scroll down to the Control section.


Anonymous  [6 posts] 14 year
I'm sorry but I don't see any input devices other than cameras. I am looking for a way to utilise ultrasonic and IR sensors.
Anonymous 14 year

Those boards are mixed in with the servo and motor control. You can use any board that has a serial interface by using the serial module. Specifically we have used the BS2, Axon, Velleman, Serializer, Nubotics, Vex, SV200 and Arduino to read IR and/or other such sensors. Note that you typically have IO abilities with most MCU's out there. Perhaps one of the few exceptions in the Phidget line of products which will connect directly to a PC.

The serial module can be found at



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