lynxmotion w/ roborealm
lubee from United States  [12 posts]
14 year
Hi guys, I have a project to integrate roborealm with lynxmotion. In the project, I will have a camera to overlook four different shapes, then if I need shape one, the lynxmotion robot will go and pick shape one, and so on.
So please give me some ideas how i can achieve it. Thanks.
Anonymous 14 year
You may want to have a look at the path planning tutorial


and perhaps Prof Mason's at


and the one from A-Wit


Step #1 is to get all the physical setup and see what it looks like in the camera. Step#2 would be to extract out the shapes reliably (and the robot too). Step#3 would be to plan the route.

Anonymous 14 year
The base of the lynxmotion robotics arm can not move. I have achieve the path planning before. Now I am facing the problem with how to tell the SSC control board to control the robotics arm to select the shape I want from the camera via roborealm program.
Anonymous 14 year

In case you are not monitoring the Lynxmotion forum here is a repost from there:


If you run RoboRealm, add the SSC-32 module to the pipeline and configure the interface to use the right com port you should be able to control the SSC-32 by moving the slider bars. This is the basic test just to see if RoboRealm and the SSC-32 are talking correctly. Once you know this works then you are ready to automate the process. Basically, instead of you sliding the bars to control the servo positions, the position will need to be stored in a variable that is created by another module. You then select this variable (or type it in for now since it doses not yet exist) in the appropriate servo channel. To test this out type in "my_servo_position" into one of the servo channels ... this will disable the slider bar which indicates that this servo is now under variable control. Also note that the servo will immediately go to position 0 since the variable does not exist and therefore has zero value.

The next step is to add the Set_Variable module in the pipeline (use the search tab to find modules quickly) and use that module to set you "my_servo_position" variable to some other number ... say 128 for neutral. Note that when you change that variable value the servo will also change position. That's how RR controls servos automatically.

The next step is where the fun starts. Now you need to figure out how to translate what the camera sees into the appropriate servo positions. The way to start that process is to get a setup and start taking some pictures. From these pictures you will need to extract out the position of the robot and the destination blocks. This will depend on what your robot looks like and if you can add markers (normally colored ones) that will help in determining positions.

But we can also help from that point on. I'd also recommend having a look at our tutorials and user projects. In particular have a look at http://www.robidouille.com/ which has done something very similar (but maybe more complex) than what you need to do.


Anonymous 14 year
Hi STeven,

This is very helpful. Thank you very much. I understand I have to set the variables to control each servo. I still have a question on the camera, I am using a USB camera, do I need to extract out the position of the lynxmotion LR robotics arms as well? I did the path planning with iRobot Create last year, what i exactly did is putting a geometric shape on the top of iRobot. But for Lynxmotion L6 robotics arm, what is the best way to extract it? Also do I have to build the VBscript which I am not familiar with? Thanks again!

Anonymous 14 year

What you could try was done in http://www.robidouille.com/ where he used colored balls mounted on the robot arms to track the position. Seemed to work quite well!

Anonymous 14 year
cool :)
Thanks I will try and let you know what i get.

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