defect detection
Sandeep Kumar Jain from India  [4 posts]
16 year
can you tell me how to find defect in component using rooborealm?   say a assembled product is coming in conveyor belt . i use a camera to capture image. i have to compare it with the master image of the defect free component. then i have to say wheteher component is having any defect or not?     even the alignment of component is different then also i should be able to say whether it has defect or not?
Anonymous 16 year
That will depend on what you mean by a defect. Perhaps you can post an image here that is the correct part and another image with one such defect.

You can look at the shape matching module to test for outline defects ... and perhaps use the color modules like RGB_Filter to find color defects. Other types of defects can also be detected but you will first have to be more specific on what you mean by a defect (visually speaking).


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