Picaxe Module?
Jack Fuge from Australia  [1 posts]
15 year

I am interested in interfacing this program, running on my laptop, to a picaxe. Laptop has a serial port.

Is there a module that impliments straight into the picaxe? Or am I best to attempt to use the serial port module?

Anonymous from United Kingdom  [99 posts] 15 year
Use the serial port module.  

Come up with a protocol that you want to use.  For instance I will often use
a header of %00000001 followed by a two digit number followed by
The header sets and interrupt that starts the picaxe listening for serial input.  The number indicated the power (0-99) and the letter gives the direction (with W as forward)

On the picaxe, use a bit of code like this:

or look at:

In the first example, you can control a couple of servos.  Alternately if you are using DC motors, you would substitute the motor driving code in place of the servo code.

You are still tethered to the computer at this point (unless the computer is on the robot.) You should then look at wireless serial options.
Here is an example project where I used a picaxe to control a robot with a wireless camera.

have fun!

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