Help with 12v pan tilt
Colin from United Kingdom  [5 posts]
16 year
Hi everyone,

I recently started a project using the USB Striker missile to make a pan tilt and fire type unit for a bb gun, unfortunatly every time i try and stop the fire mechanism it fires again...... so i decided to scrap the idea of bodging a pan tilt unit from a strike and start from scratch and make a lot stronger system .... I really need help, I would like to use roborealm as the main software to drive a 12v system. this means i will be able to place the pan tilt in the middle of a field with a car battery powering everything. is there a usb module i can purchase that will control good 12v motors ( if possible at variable speed , using the xbox 360 analogue controller ) and also a fire current aswell.
I am very new to all of this and have all the ideas but need direction to learn the practical side of things.

Thankyou in advance.

Colin from United Kingdom  [5 posts] 16 year
i have just found this which looks like the sort of thing i need because it has 4 controls but 1 is usb power ( which i belive is about 5v ?) and also could this be controlled from roborealm ?

Anonymous 16 year

Yes, the Phidget controller was the one we would recommend and, yes, RoboRealm should be able to control it as specified in our doc page:


Colin from United Kingdom  [5 posts] 16 year
Thanks Steven, The only things that concern me are that the bb gun i am using is quite heavy and also i was hoping to use strong motors rather than servos, I am trying to recreate a striker missile type of effect , a pan tilt that uses gears and motors... preferably with variable speed.


Anonymous 16 year
The servos would be the easiest to control but several others have switched to  use stronger motors and use a motor controller like the Sabertooth.


That might also be an option depending on how much load you anticipate on your turret.

Colin from United Kingdom  [5 posts] 16 year
Thanks Steven,

This looks more like the option i was looking for, Is there a particular motor that is recommended for use with this board ? I need a smooth or fine stepping motor ( i think ) .


Anonymous 16 year
We are not aware of which motors people have used with this controller board. Perhaps you could email Dimension Engineering (or check their website) and see what they recommend. They are normally quite responsive.


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