57 posts
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FRC Network table issue [4]
Hi Steven, Thanks for the quick response as you are aware building and programming a robot in 6 weeks is not a tr...
10 year 20 7955
FRC Network table issue [21]
Hi Steven, Here's an update.  Using a different laptop, update with RR 29.8 latest C++ u...
10 year 20 7955
FRC Network table issue [2]
Hi Steven, Our team is trying to use network tables, we have been able to send data to the table fo...
10 year 20 7955
FRC Network table issue [20]
Hi Steven, I have updated to latest version of RR 2.29.8 and  the latest C++ update 2nd m...
10 year 20 7955
FRC Network table issue [15]
Hi Steven, I tried the new version on a new laptop at our meeting today.  All worked well...
10 year 20 7955
FRC Network table issue [13]
Steven, The cRio CPU usage can be seen in the latest driver station under the Charts tab. &nbs...
10 year 20 7955
RoboRio Port Info [0]
Attached are the include .h files for the CameraServer and the USBCamera. -pete...
10 year 26 15866
RoboRio Port Info [5]
Here is the Sample vision code C++ file. This is the code that works to display the USB camera vide...
10 year 26 15866
RoboRio Port Info [3]
Hi STeven, In response to your last question you had sent me, yes we have been able to use the samp...
10 year 26 15866
RoboRio Port Info
Hi STeven, Here is information on the ports used by the roboRio, using the HTTP_read with a USB cam...
10 year 26 15866
RoboRio Port Info [20]
Hi Tony/NT, Just wondering if you are using the same USB camera, the Microsoft HD-3000.
10 year 26 15866
RoboRio Port Info [9]
Hi STeven, With some searching and some questions on the FIRST forum I have found the source files ...
10 year 26 15866
RoboRio Port Info [7]
Hi STeven, I just stumbled on this site from an FRC team that looks to use the USB camera and proce...
10 year 26 15866
RoboRio Port Info [6]
Needed to send as .zip file. ...
10 year 26 15866

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