214 posts
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From Movment Center of Gravity to Color Center of Gravity [3]
Hello, This .robo file might get you part way there.  It uses a filled white circle of si...
16 year 3 2262
How to reduce flicker with Flood Fill? [5]
Hi STeven, Many thanks for the new Segment_Colors module--it's a great improvement over Flood_Fill...
16 year 4 2168
Seeing Color Statistics for multiple blobs? [2]
Hello, I am using the latest and greatest RoboRealm ( to get the Color Statistics for mult...
16 year 4 2353
Seeing Color Statistics for multiple blobs? [5]
Many thanks STeven--works like a charm now. --patrick...
16 year 4 2353
Advice needed for analyzing 360-degree images [2]
Hello, I have set up a 360-degree vision system on my robot and would like to use it to aid indoor ...
16 year 1 2293
Optic flow from Visual Anchor module? [4]
Hi STeven, Many thanks for the explanation--makes sense.  I look forward to watching your...
16 year 3 2161
Optic flow from Visual Anchor module? [2]
Hi STeven, I'm not sure if this is even remotely possible but I thought I'd ask any way. &nb...
16 year 3 2161
Vision for navigation [15]
Hi John et. al., Check out this interesting paper.  Looks like I better get back to setti...
16 year 14 3486
Vision for navigation [10]
Hi John and Loren, This is a most excellent thread.  Before I forget to ask: John, do you...
16 year 14 3486
Vision for navigation [6]
Hey John, Thanks for posting your results on navigation.  I am working on a similar robot...
16 year 14 3486
Cannot get email module to work [3]
Is anyone else using the Email module successfully? Thanks, patrick ...
16 year 4 2229
Cannot get email module to work [2]
Hello, I was trying to use the email module with RR version but I keep getting a "Could n...
16 year 4 2229
Cannot get email module to work [5]
Hi STeven, Many thanks for the quick work-around.  The new MAPI option works perfectly. <...
16 year 4 2229
No "send" command in API wrapper? [6]
I noticed that the very latest RR_COM_API.dll *does* include a SetParameter function similar to the update function posted above...
16 year 5 2161
No "send" command in API wrapper? [5]
This is brilliant!  Many thanks for the quick solution--works like a charm.  I think your update routine wou...
16 year 5 2161
No "send" command in API wrapper? [2]
Hello, I am starting to use the API wrapper in a C# program and I noticed that the "Send" command...
16 year 5 2161
How to track arbitration moving objects? [5]
Thanks for your reply.  Yes, I already read that thread and in fact, I am already using the Movement module to detect ...
16 year 4 2526
How to track arbitration moving objects? [3]
That should be "arbitrary moving objects" in the subject! ...
16 year 4 2526
How to track arbitration moving objects? [2]
Hello, I have been using RoboRealm very successfully to enable my robot to track moving colored obj...
16 year 4 2526
Tennis ball finder? [6]
Oops.  Looks like videos won't upload to this forum.  Here is a link instead to the test video.  ...
16 year 5 6959

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