Seeing Color Statistics for multiple blobs?
from United States  [214 posts]
16 year

I am using the latest and greatest RoboRealm ( to get the Color Statistics for multiple blobs after doing a Blob Filter.  My image has 21 blobs and I have selected the "Individual Blobs" radio button in the Color Statistics.  When I click on different blobs in the Blob Filter view, I get the statistics indexed by an array number; e.g. COLOR_RANGE_B(1).  However, this only  works for a handful of the blobs.  For example, in the attached image, I only see statistics for indexes 0,1,2,4, 5,7,9 and 10.  In other words, many of the blobs show the same array index when I click on them.

Am I doing something wrong?


Anonymous 16 year
OK, I found another posting that suggested I use the Watch Variables module instead of clicking on a blob to view the statistics.  Still, clicking a blob to view its statistics seems like a nice idea and seems to partially work as described above.


Anonymous 16 year

There was an error when the image was zoomed that did not report the correct coordinates to that module due to an incorrect scaling caused by the zoom. This has been fixed in and should allow you to zoom in and correctly see the information with regards to the blob you click on.

Thanks for the note!

from United States  [214 posts] 16 year
Many thanks STeven--works like a charm now.


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