19 posts
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visual line following [3]
David, cx = GetVariable("IMAGE_WIDTH") / 2 Finds the horizontal center of the image. ...
10 year 12 3361
visual line following [12]
David, The result in move is not a number, so trying to use it as one doesn't work.&n...
10 year 12 3361
visual line following [10]
As for the first question, the easiest explaination is the attached robofile. The modules have appropriate
10 year 12 3361
visual line following [7]
Firstly for the file - when you acknowledge the error and close that window just do a save.  When you re...
10 year 12 3361
Center of Gravity to Serial [5]
Martin, You simply place the function in a VBscript module located before the serial ...
12 year 5 2045
Center of Gravity to Serial [3]
Martin, The problem is that a single byte can only contain values up to 255. &nb...
12 year 5 2045
Wireless Camera Options [3]
Techdetect: I use a TRENDnet TV-IP110W camera, for a battery I'll be using a 2200 mA...
12 year 2 2099
RoboRealm USB2Dynamixel module not communicating [2]
Greetings --- The Dynamixel module doesn't communicate with the servos, a screenshot...
12 year 1 3068
AVM object names [2]
Can the object name given to AVM when learning an object be accessed via a variable?  I saw where 1, 2, ...
12 year 9 3237
AVM object names [7]
Sweet!  Looking forward to experimenting with it, nice work :)...
12 year 9 3237
AVM object names [5]
Excellent!  Thanks much  :)...
12 year 9 3237
Using speak to help optimize camera focus [2]
Greetings :) I thought the attached .robo file might be of interest to some of you, e...
12 year 2 3027
FPS [7]
Although I'm not familiar with your particular camera, I've noticed some are drasticly more sensitive to light <...
12 year 8 4107
Path name anomalies [2]
In the Hallicination post I'd remarked on apparent corruption of the  path name to the object when usin...
12 year 1 1926
Hallucination [7]
Although it does misidentify, possibly since my methodology is simplistic at this point.  I don't think...
12 year 7 2461
Hallucination [6]
Steven, Thanks, it's much more consistant across the rotation even with only a singl...
12 year 7 2461
Hallucination [4]
Files didn't come through on the first attempt, hadda zip the harr file first heh :) ...
12 year 7 2461
Steven, Sadly, I no longer have the original source image.  I was using Haar
12 year 7 2461
Hallucination [2]
Any idea why the object recognition module would see a nonexistant object in an empty background space?  Here's a scr...
12 year 7 2461

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