68 posts
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See Variable in View_Variables not correct in VB [2]
Sorry forgot to attach the Robo file. Please could you help me understand what I have done wrong. <...
11 year 3 1950
Servo 2500-0 to 180-0 VBscript
I found one of your example camera blob tracking robo files and is very near for my requirements. one problem for ...
6 year 3 1853
Speak within an if Statement
Hi, I seem to have a problem with an If statement. When I place Speak within the If statement , no speech is heard...
8 year 2 2111
Start Pipeline with speech [2]
I wish to start the RR pipeline when  I say "Start" but not sure of the VB syntax to use that stops the pipeline unt...
11 year 3 2717
Switch on/off Serial Module
Hi, I have an very occasional problem that stops my Pic (crash). The cause is unknown but if I can ...
10 year 4 1961
use one of two cropped windows [2]
hi Steven, Is there a way to choose a cropped window from a choice of two...
12 year 3 1816

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