172 posts
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Nearest blob [2]
What i would like to do is to set a point and find the blob closest to that point based on that blobs closest perimeter point....
10 year 11 2397
Nearest blob
Is it possible to find the nearest blob based on blob perimeter instead of blob COG? ...
10 year 11 2397
Blob reduction
Hi STeven In the image I attached, each blob is represented by at least 3 shades of grey (meaning t...
10 year 3 2429
Blob reduction [3]
STeven, Excellent. That's exactly what I needed....
10 year 3 2429
creating a bounding box over a blob group [3]
Yes that will work. Thanks...
10 year 3 2496
creating a bounding box over a blob group
Hi STeven, Is there a way to place a bounding box over a group of blobs?...
10 year 3 2496
Bug in call module
Hi STeven, I think there is a bug in the call module. All the IF statements in the called tab gets ...
10 year 3 1629
Bug in call module [3]
OK great....
10 year 3 1629
Tracking an object using AVM [8]
Hi EDV, Do i set the NV_REMOVE_IDX to 0 to clear data? when i need it to learn a new object, do i g...
10 year 14 3695
Tracking an object using AVM [7]
Ok great....
10 year 14 3695
Tracking an object using AVM [14]
Hi EDV, I realize that actually my code was logically wrong. I was trying to use the previous posit...
10 year 14 3695
Tracking an object using AVM [5]
Ok thanks. I got it to work as I wanted....
10 year 14 3695
Tracking an object using AVM [13]
I set the NV_WR_OBJ_RECT_X and NV_WR_OBJ_RECT_Y to a different value (100, 100) and it works (so my previous post that it is onl...
10 year 14 3695
Tracking an object using AVM [11]
Hi EDV, Ultimately i would like to implement 2 senario's Senario 1: a...
10 year 14 3695
Tracking an object using AVM [3]
Yes i intend to do the following; If NV_ARR_OBJ_IDX(0) = 0 and trigger=1 Then
10 year 14 3695
Tracking an object using AVM
Hi, I programmed RR to loop a video file (avi) and AVM to track an object. I set the variable NV_WR...
10 year 14 3695
Tracking an object using AVM [10]
Hi EDV, I have uploaded 2 programs. I found the issue is in line 14. The first program I get the la...
10 year 14 3695
Clearing recognition data
Hi, I would be great if there was a feature to clear the recognition data of the avm.dat file inste...
10 year 2 2723
variable control feature [3]
Hi STeven, Great idea. Thanks....
10 year 3 2892
variable control feature
Hi STeven, I would like to suggest for the call module to have a variable control feature. For exam...
10 year 3 2892

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