172 posts
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Conditional edge detection [4]
Yes that would work. Thanks...
12 year 3 1663
dilate bug [3]
Maybe it does work but its not showing as clearly as white mask....
12 year 3 2980
Bug in call module
Hi STeven, I think there is a bug in the call module. All the IF statements in the called tab gets ...
10 year 3 1625
Bug in call module [3]
OK great....
10 year 3 1625
Blob isolation [3]
I am currently setting a variable and using an if statement to check. The problem with this is that it is done after the blob fi...
12 year 3 2062
reading values after time lapse [4]
That's great thanks. I managed to use the SetTimedVariable feature to accomplish a similar effect....
12 year 3 3281
Nearest blob to refference line
Hi STeven, As an alternative to the nearest blob to a reference point, is it possible to find the n...
10 year 3 2590
Conditional edge detection [2]
Hi STeven, I have a question. For example applying a background removal blacks out some pixels. Ano...
12 year 3 1663
timed variable [2]
Hi STeven, Is there a limit to the number of timed variables that RR can handle? I noticed that cre...
12 year 3 3288
dilate bug [2]
Hi STeven The dilate does not seem to work after the treshold is set to fore mask. It only works in...
12 year 3 2980
looping another module within VB [3]
Or is there a way i can get the color data for a single pixel instead of an array for the whole image....
12 year 3 2205
variable control feature [3]
Hi STeven, Great idea. Thanks....
10 year 3 2884
Blob isolation [2]
Is it possible to set the minimum blob size relative to its COG_X position. So as COG_X increases, the minimum acceptable blob s...
12 year 3 2062
Blob filtration based on logic
Hi STeven, Is it possible to filter blobs based on logic rather then priority? For example in the a...
10 year 3 2668
similar blobs [2]
Hi STeven, Is it possible to have a feature where blobs can be analyzed to search for similar blobs...
12 year 3 1939
Cluster points testing [4]
Excellent :)...
12 year 3 2450
variable control feature
Hi STeven, I would like to suggest for the call module to have a variable control feature. For exam...
10 year 3 2884
crop feature [4]
Steven, Excellent. Thanks...
12 year 3 3029
Cluster points testing [2]
Hi STeven, In the attached example, there is a cluster point that is forming where there is no blob...
12 year 3 2450
running two robo files simultaneously
Hi STeven, I would like to run two robo files simultaneously. Both robo files are to use the same s...
10 year 3 2711

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